Calm Mind: Proven Tactics to Treat Anxiety Panic Attacks and Take Charge of Your Life. Michael Winford. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michael Winford
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456614195
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Calm Mind:


      © 2013 Michael Winford

      ISBN 9781456614195

      All rights reserved. The reproduction or utilization of this work in whole in part, in any form by any print, electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

      All information provided is done so with every effort to represent the subject, but does not guarantee that your life will change. The author shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages that result from reading this book.



      Chapter 1: Changing Your Mentality

      How You Want to See Yourself:

      Attitude Makeover:

      Start Relaxing:

      Chapter 2: Take Time to Meditate

      Why is Meditation Important:

      How Meditation Works:

      Chapter 3: Panic and Anxiety

      How it Begins:

      Your Eating Habits:

      How You Deal With Stress:

      Take a Morning Relaxation:

      Get Rid of Uncomfortable Feelings:

      Trust Yourself:

      How Do You Feel:

      You’re Not the Only One:

      Overcoming Certain Fears:

      Read More Books:



      Besides the already well-known health hazard of the 21st century, which includes depression and stress, panic and anxiety also plays an important role in the health of others.

      In truth, panic and anxiety is made from stress and can lead to depression. Just like the basic symptoms of stress, panic and anxiety also affects our sleep and is also a high risk for heart disease and strokes.

      Of course, the fact that you’re having these type of symptoms is because you’re stressed out, and the only reason as to why you’re stressed out is because your life isn’t exactly moving the way you’ve planned it to move.

      There are many reasons as to why you would feel panic and anxiety throughout the course of your life. Some people have experienced it during a particular time of their life while others are lucky enough to have never experience it at all.

      That doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with you. You’re not crazy that’s for sure. Sometimes, you just simply need to relax and figure out what you can do to fix your issues.

      If you’re stressing out about how to get rid of panic and anxiety, you’re only making those symptoms worse.

      Have you ever heard of mental habits? Unlike physical habits where you react to certain things in a particular way, mental habits makes you think in a particular way. It works like a physical habit in a sense, but not exactly.

      Mental habits can be closer to your instincts because you won’t often think about how to react when your brain has already memorized your reactions for you.

      The way panic and anxiety works so well is because you have a mental habit of it. You know that it’s hard enough to get rid of one habit seeing as “habits die hard.”

      So how would you be able to fight a mental habit when your mental state isn’t strong enough to fight it? That is probably the reason as to why you decided to read this book.

      If you’re thinking that it’s going to take a lot of hard work to get rid of your panic and anxiety then you’re right. Everything in life requires hard work in order to succeed.

      In order to get rid of your panic and anxiety, you need to make a personal change for yourself. Staying still and relying on someone else isn’t going to do you much good, and the more you drag it out the worse your symptoms will be.

      Don’t tell yourself to get use to it because you won’t. Just like stress, the more you let it overtake you, the less your body will be able to handle it.

      You can always consult a doctor or a professional counselor if necessary. However, professional counselors are more of an additional help rather than a required help.

      Doctors should be your first choice in any type of health related problems. After all, that’s why they are there in the first place. Only consult with a professional when you want someone to help guide you through your issues. Otherwise, you can always solve the issues yourself.

      Chapter 1: Changing Your Mentality

      It may sound ridiculous but it’s true. You do have to change your mentality if you want to feel better and to rid yourself of your pain and anxiety.

      If you resort to a professional’s help, they’ll probably tell you the same thing. Remember, it’s your body. People can only help you not change you. No matter how much someone can influence you, in the end, it’s up to you to decide for yourself.

      It’s important to keep note of how you react to certain circumstances. Panic and anxiety happens for a reason. It’s not always going to be a health or mental problem that you have or that you were born with.

      Some people become stuck with it over time. However, it is curable. This is when you have to take a deep look at yourself and pay close attention to your surroundings.

      Bring a notepad with you or use your phone. It doesn’t matter what as long as you’re able to jolt down little notes about yourself.

      Don’t expect yourself to remember every single place that you’ve visited in a day. Don’t especially expect yourself to remember how you felt at each place you’ve visited within that day.

      If you want to know the reason for your anxiety then take the effort to realize what is causing it. Besides, if you’re thinking about consulting a counselor or a therapist of the sort, they are going to ask you a lot of questions and if you don’t have the proper answer then they won’t have the proper solution.

      So save yourself the trouble of wasting one therapy section and find the reasons without being told to.

      How You Want to See Yourself:

      No one can see himself or herself without having to look at a mirror, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t use your imagination.

      Believe it or not, the best way to change is to visualize. If you can imagine yourself being productive, or successful, or anything you want to be, you will be one step closer to achieving your goal. The reason this method works so well is because you’re already starting your journey with a positive attitude.

      Think about it, if you had a goal and you attacked that goal with a negative attitude do you think that you will be very successful in ever accomplishing that goal? The answer would be “not likely” right?

      In order to succeed, you must be able to visualize your success. Don’t stop imagining throughout the process. It’s going to be rough and you’re going to feel negative at times; however, as long as you maintain confidence that you will succeed then you will be one step closer to your goals.

      Think about the top ranked entrepreneurs. Did you think that they were able to create such a successful business by sitting around and pondering about whether or not they were going to succeed?

      Did you think that they wavered in their decision? It’s obvious that they did not just sit around and drowned themselves in their own negativity.
