Best Way to Find a Job Is to... Effectively Manage Your Job Search. JM Roman. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: JM Roman
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Поиск работы, карьера
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456613372
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      Best Way to Find a Job Is to... Effectively Manage Your Job Search


      JM Roman

      Copyright 2012 JM Roman,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1337-2

      All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or other – except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without prior permission of the publisher.

      Disclaimer: The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. The publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services, and you should consult a professional where appropiate.


      I want to dedicate this book to wife, Dottie, and my son, Matthew….

      Thank you to my wife who has been my best friend for almost a half a century and who supported me in this effort… and a special thanks to my son for first of all giving me the idea to do this book and for always making me proud to be his father…

      You two are so special to me.

      Special thanks to Dennis Powell for taking the time to edit this book. I appreciated your insight and suggestions.

      Effectively Managing YOUR job search

      “The purpose of this ebook is to help the job seekers manage, structure

      and organize their job search”


      Setting the stage for the reader

      I would like to set the stage by opening with a very short story.

      -There once was a young mother who was teaching her 6 year old son how to tie his shoes. After several attempts little Jimmy had some success. The mother then praised Jimmy for his accomplishment. As she started to walk away she heard her son start to cry. She said Jimmy “why are you crying? You just tied you shoes so well”. He then replied, “yes I know, but, I just realized that I am going to have to do that for the rest of my life”.-

      Well for those of you reading this book you are going to learn new tools and techniques for job searching that you will be able to use for the rest of your life. Long gone are the days when someone would get a job and work at that job or company until they retired and got the gold watch after 30 or 40 years. In today’s economy people will change jobs 4, 5, 6 or even more times. Hope at this point none of my readers are crying.

      The Good News

      After you read this book you will have the tools and the processes to effectively search for new jobs.

      Please take the time to study and absorb the material presented here and keep this material in a file electronically or physically so you can reference the material whenever you change jobs or if you want to seek a higher paying job or want to advance in your career as your goals, achievements and aspirations change.

      I have had several very successful careers in the fields of Industrial Engineering and Project Management. I also held a hiring manger’s position at a couple of companies and was downsized out of good positions because of economic conditions. Therefore I have a lot of wisdom and experience from both sides of the desk -- one as an interviewer ( Hiring Manager) and the other as a interviewee out there looking for a job. I am currently retired, but I work part time as a career coach helping people find jobs. I also teach this material at a seminar at Salisbury University in Salisbury Maryland. I find that graduating seniors really need the tools, structure and job searching organization techniques presented in this book to help them think about new and innovative ways to find a job.

      I have helped hundreds of people with their job searches and I have a 95% success rate helping people who use and embrace this material. Some things that help these people become successful is their willingness to ask for help and to take personal ownership of the tools they need to use in their job search. They keep a positive attitude even when rejected for a job. They turn the negatives into positive opportunities.

      As a career coach, when I meet a client who is looking for a job the initial conversation often reveals that the client’s job search involves – spending time on the internet, sending out numerous untargeted resumes and they can’t in a concise manner articulate their job objectives. All of these activities are ineffective ways of looking for a job.

      The key deliverable from this book is going to be your personal Job Search Organization Chart that will help you define your job goals, develop a structured plan and actions that you need to do on a daily basis to be successful. In addition you will have the confidence to effectively communicate your job objectives to anyone who might have a lead on a job opportunity. The bottom line is to get job leads so they ultimately lead to the JOB INTERVIEW>

      It is your job goal or vision (Job Objectives) that Shapes the PLAN

      It is the Plan that sets the Actions

      It is the Actions that achieves Results

      And the RESULTS are successful Job Searches that get you the job interview and a successful career

      I know personally how emotionally ego-shattering it is to lose a job. That is why I have developed this job search process to help you. Again at the same time it is extremely important for you to keep a very positive outlook in this time of challenge and adversity in your career. You are taking the right steps, right now by reading this material and repositioning yourself for success.

      A quote from the philosopher Socrates:

      “I can not teach anybody anything….

      I can only try to make them think” -- As you read this material you will be challenged often to THINK.

      I recommend you read this book in your thinking place or space. Get yourself a cup of coffee or tea. Have several sheets of blank paper and just begin to jot down your thoughts as to how you plan to implement this material.

      Now tie your shoes, read the material and find a job!!!


      Effectively Managing Your job search

      I chose the title of this book (the words) very carefully – Effectively Managing YOUR Job Search – Especially the words Effectively and Managing


      Means doing the RIGHT things in your job search. So many people do things that are ineffective like sending out the 50 or 100 untargeted resumes and not having a clear understanding of their job objectives. Plus they don’t have the confidence to clearly articulate their job objectives.


      The word Managing or Management. If you took any business management courses you probably know there are 5 functions of management. They are – Planning, Organizing, Directing, Controlling and Coordinating – There is also a major sixth function of management which is – Communicating. However this function of management – communication – has been studied and researched for years. As you study this material you will begin to understand effective communications in your job search. More importantly you will learn how to prepare yourself to communicate your job objectives.

      This book does not address detailed resume writing or interviewing skills. You can develop these skills by reviewing information on line or from career centers, eliminate the work, etc. However the text does address the importance of targeted resumes and some techniques to prepare for interviews.

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