Born Again: How to Maximize Your New Life In Christ. Ruthven Roy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ruthven Roy
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456613051
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      Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

      John 3:3



      Ruthven J. Roy

      Born Again: How to Maximize Your New Life in Christ

      Copyright © 2012 by Ruthven J. Roy

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1305-1

      Cover design: Emmerson Cyrille

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

      Unless otherwise indicated, Bible quotations are taken from the New American Standard Bible, © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

      Other versions used are

      KJV - The Authorized King James Version, © 1975 by Thomas Nelson Inc., Publishers.

      NRSV - New Revised Standard Version, © 1989, by Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.

      NIV - New International Version, © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.

      Published in eBook format by

      In Dedication


      All God’s children—“born” and “born-again”


      THANK YOU!

      Dear heavenly Father, precious Savior, and abiding Counselor and Guide.

      Lyris, Charisa, Lyrisa and Mirisa—God’s personal gifts to me.

      Emmerson, Ermine, Patricia and the Network Discipling Ministries family.

      I am deeply indebted to ALL of you for your gracious support and valuable contributions towards the production of this priceless treasure.


      Way back in eternity, before the foundation of the earth was laid and mankind was created, God chose a holy, blameless life in Christ for everyone born into this world, through the lineage of Adam. In accordance with His divine foreknowledge, the Almighty made this redemptive provision as His anticipatory response to the eventuality of sin and human depravity. In this response, He gave the opportunity to every child of sinful Adam to be born again—to literally start over—through the righteous life of Jesus Christ, God’s Messiah and Savior of the world.

      However, many who have chosen God’s option to be born again, continue to be confused about what really constitutes born-again life. Consequently, many talk about a life that they have yet to experience, while others frustratingly stumble and fumble along, hoping to capture that life one of these days. For the most part, the born-again life has eluded them, and many have grown to accept the modifications of their Adam self, and/or their adherence to the expectations of their religious community, as what forms the authentic, born-again experience.

      In this book, we will seek to expose, depose and even enlarge upon some of the traditional views of what it means to be born again. Some of these are:

      •To be baptized.

      •To become a Christian.

      •To live for God or Jesus Christ.

      •To change my behavior or lifestyle.

      •To accept Christ.

      •To turn my back on the world.

      •To become a more spiritual person.

      To be sure, these views may contain some element of truth with regard to the born-again experience, but they are vague generalities that do not present a comprehensive picture. There is great need for clarification and amplification in order to bring about a more complete understanding. Without this, the above beliefs may become mere “window dressings” for satanic deception. For example, a person who believes being born-again means to become more spiritually inclined, may rigorously pursue religious rituals in order to achieve that end, but will never be born of God through those means. While born-again life may foster spiritual exercises, it is not attained through spiritual pursuits.

      This life is neither created by actions of the human will nor its ceaseless striving after “goodness” or “holiness”: No, not at all! “Fixing” and “dressing up” the same old man may change his behavior, but does not bring new life to him. Authentic, born-again life is the gracious gift of God, received ONLY through faith in Jesus Christ. What that really means, and how that affects the life-practice of the person who chooses to believe in Jesus, is the major theme and conversation of this book. Therefore, it is important for readers to examine very closely the Biblical principles presented in this volume to have a clearer understanding of this invaluable experience.

      To assist in this process, the author has underlined many sections of quoted scriptures to help readers to connect with points under discussion. As an additional aid, some key concepts and scriptures are repeated throughout the manuscript. The author deemed this very necessary, simply because it is too easy for the believer to succumb to what is so very familiar in his natural life that he forgets, or even ignores, key elements and principles of his born-again identity. Renewing the mind of the believer is a work of literary (Word) repetition and living practice; so keeping these vital concepts of spirit-life before him is necessary for nurturing and strengthening his born-again mind-set. Another reason for the repetition is to maintain the connectivity in this born-again dialogue as we move from one chapter to the next.

      Fruit that remains

      In one of His discourses with His disciples, Jesus said, “You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain. . . (John 15:16). This very straightforward declaration does not speak only the Master’s purpose for calling and empowering His disciples; it also reflects the Father’s heart towards all those who are born again to new life in His Son. God desires the fruit of the born-again life to remain in every believer, and that all believers will, in turn, work with Him to bear additional fruits by bringing more of His estranged children into this wonderful new life. Jesus expressed this very idea in an earlier verse of the same chapter: “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples (John 15:8).

      This book is truly about showing how being born-again can be an enjoyable, meaningful, sustainable experience to anyone who believes. It speaks with clarity and certainty about how to be born again without any regrets, and without any desire to turn back. So many who once embraced this life but later turned away from it, did so without even realizing that they had (and still have) what it takes to enjoy and complete it—JESUS. If you are there or anywhere near there, this ONE’S for you. This is your book of hope—a hope that will not fall short of your expectation. Please take the time to study it and share the contents with someone else. Let’s fill the world with the good news and unfailing hope.

      In conclusion, the author believes that this book will bless the body of Christ abundantly, by adding a greater measure of clarity to the understanding of the one, unique experience that makes every believer an integral member in the family of