© 2013 by Scott Jackson
ISBN: 9781456612740
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The information contained in this book is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this book, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.
First Impressions
Attitude is Everything
Confidence is Sexy
Body Language
What Are You Looking for?
Your Flirting Style
Strike Up a Conversation
Dating Mistakes
Where to Meet People
The First Date
Seduction is an art form. There are definite things that you should do and things that you should not do when you are interested in somebody and are trying to flirt.
Even the most accomplished speaker can be at a loss for words when face to face with somebody that they are attracted to. It seems like the more we are attracted, the more our brain shuts down when we try to flirt, making us seem like nervous, and babbling idiots.
Flirting can be scary. The entire ritual of flirting and seduction can make even the strongest of people go weak in the knees.
How do you show that you are interested without coming on too strong?
What if you play hard to get and they give up and you lose your chance?
You want to speak to them but all you can do is stand there with a goofy grin on your face, now what?
Some people are able to flirt naturally; it just comes to them easily. They know what to say and when to say it. Are they just lucky?
Perhaps, or perhaps they have realized the secrets that we are about to teach you, the art of flirting and seduction.
Take the stress out of trying to find the perfect person. Spend less time worrying about what to do or say to them and more time with that person.
Our book is full of do’s and don’ts of dating and flirting. Learn how to show you are interest, how to get them interested in you, and how to get them to say yes to a date.
This is your chance to boost your flirting power and take your seduction skills to the next level.
First Impressions
It does not matter if somebody introduces somebody to you or if you see somebody from across the room that you would like to meet, before you even speak to them you visually asses them to formulate a quick impression.
Even if you think that you are not a shallow person, who bases relationships upon looks, you do formulate an impression based up on how somebody looks.
Not only do you formulate your first impression of them, but they are formulating their first impression of you as well.
When meeting somebody for the first time you always take in a few details, what are they wearing, how are they dressed, what is their demeanor, what kind of body language are they using, etc.
We are not talking about just looks, but more about how they present themselves.
This is important because they will be noticing all of the same things about you as well. You always want to give the best possible first impression, while being yourself still.
Dating is not about pretending to be something that you are not and that is not what we are talking about in this chapter.
All relationships should be honest and truthful, and any relationship built upon a lie, even a small one, will be doomed to fail.
We are not telling you to pretend to be rich when you are not, or to buy clothing that you cannot afford just to make a good impression.
The caliber of your clothing does not matter, nor should the numbers in your bank account. We are talking about the overall impression that you give off.
It is not what you wear; it is how you wear it. It is about your body language and about how you just appear to be at first glance.
Those first few seconds can be critical, it can tell somebody quickly if you are somebody to avoid or somebody to get to know.
It is always important that you are aware of the image that you are projecting, because it does matter.
You can be dressed in expensive clothes and can still be giving off the wrong impression, causing them to turn away.
That is why we say it is not about dressing up in fancy clothing and flashy accessories; it is how you carry yourself that matters.
Give them a positive impression before they even meet you and you will already be ahead of the game.
Wear clothing that you are comfortable wearing. If you are wearing something that you do not like or that you are not comfortable in, it will show.
It will give you the appearance of trying to show off by wearing something just for the appearance of wearing it and that is a turn off.
Dress nicely and be comfortable, you are looking to date somebody, not impress people with how high your shoes are or if you shoes are Italian leather. Wear clothing that fits you well, not too tight and not too lose.
Body Language
If you stand with yourself closed off, such as with your arms crossed over your chest, standing apart from others, it looks like you do not want to be bothered and people will hesitate to approach you with a closed off stance.
Stand normally, with your legs slightly apart and your arms down loose, or one hand in your pocket even. Just be aware that you should have open body language, which is inviting people to come and talk to you.
Facial Expression
If you are standing there, apart from others with a scowl on your face, you will be giving off a very negative impression.
You should be giving off an impression of openness and friendliness. The best thing you can wear to attract somebody to you is a smile, so always have your best smile on.
Those are just some of the things that you need to be aware of about what impression you are giving off. Even if just dashing to the store quickly, take a minute and check the mirror, you never know who you will run into and who will be interested in getting to know you better.
Always take a few minutes to make sure that you look presentable and are approachable.
Attitude is Everything
It does not matter how well you dress, how expensive your car is or how much money you have in the bank, if you have a negative attitude, your flirting will always fall flat.
Trying to hide a bad attitude is like slapping a fancy label on a bad bottle of wine, it looks nice, but once you open it, the truth comes out.
The same thing with a negative attitude, if you are a negative person overall, then it will come out eventually, so even if you get through a couple of dates with somebody, your true colors will show and you will be back at square one.