Unlock the Secret to Manifesting Your Desires and Living in Abundance: The Power of Visualization. Michelle Inc. Steven. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michelle Inc. Steven
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Поиск работы, карьера
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456611231
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Unlock the Secret to Manifesting Your Desires and Living in Abundance:

      The Power of Visualization

      Michelle Steven


      © 2012 by Michelle Steven

      ISBN: 9781456611231

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photographic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or in any information storage and retrieval systems, without prior written permission of the author or publisher, except where permitted by law.

      Terms of Use

      Any information provided in this book is through the author’s interpretation. The author has done strenuous work to reassure the accuracy of this subject. If you wish you attempt any of the practices provided in this book, you are doing so with your own responsibility. The author will not be held accountable for any misinterpretations or misrepresentations of the information provided here.

      All information provided is done so with every effort to represent the subject, but does not guarantee that your life will change. The author shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages that result from reading this book.


      This is your life, what happens and where you end up it is all up to you.

      You want a promotion but then say that you will not get it and lo and behold, you do not get the promotion.

      You want a relationship but they say that you are not good enough for one and so your relationships never last.

      You want to have money, but think that you might not be working hard enough to deserve it and so you end up lacking for money.

      Henry Ford said this famous quote, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't—you’re right.”

      Truer words have never been spoken than these. It sums up life pretty simply, that your beliefs shape your destiny.

      If you think that you cannot do something, then you will never be able to do that thing, because you believe that you cannot; it is a self-fulfilling destiny.

      We limit ourselves because we think too much in terms of what we cannot do instead of in terms of what we can do.

      When you think that something is out of your reach, indeed it is. We are told something is impossible, so we do not try.

      Yet, there are people out there who do succeed? The difference is when they are told that they cannot do something, they do not accept that as truth, and they try for themselves.

      This is your reality, your world, your life and by accepting what another person says is your definition of your life by telling you what you can and cannot do, you let them script your life.

      This book is about you being the author of your own life.

      The law of attraction is the power of positive thinking in motion, or the power of negative thinking in motion, either way.

      The law of attraction states that similar things attract to each other and that can be used to attract the things that we desire to ourselves.

      Using the law of attraction, we can attract that which we most desire in life. The things that we think about the most are the things that we get.

      How the law of attraction ends up working for you depends on you.

      If you end up thinking of the negative things, you attract negative things.

      It is a hard cycle to break out of because let us use money for an example, you have bills piling up and you want more money to pay for them, but all you can focus on is the bills.

      Focusing on the money you do not have is a negative thought and when you focus on not having money, you end up not having money because you have focused on the lack of money instead of that money that you needed to have.

      Here is an example.

      There is a woman that I used to work with, her name is Sheila, and she was prone to having headaches and was often taking at least one day off a month or leaving early once or twice a month due to the headaches.

      Sheila was determined that she would not let these headaches continue to get in the way of her ability to do her job and so she decided that she would do her best to go a month without having to leave early or go home because of a headache.

      Month after month Sheila was able to get down to the last few days of each month and then would have a horrible headache, and have to leave early.

      After a few months of this, she decided that the reason she was not able to succeed was because when it got down to those last few days she would begin to start thinking, “I am almost to my goal, I sure hope I do not have a headache because I am so close” but up until those last few days her thinking had always been “I feel fine and today will be a great day.”

      By changing her thinking from focusing on having a great day to thinking of a headache, she was allowing that headache to manifest.

      This example is a very good way to show you how the law of attraction works, what you think of is a very powerful tool when it comes to what you get out of life.

      This book is going to help you re-train your thinking so that you start getting the things that you desire and want.

      Your Brain – Where it All Begins

      You are already in possession of the only tool that you need to make the law of attraction work for you, your brain.

      Your brain is an amazing tool and contains power that you can actually harness to work for you, helping you achieve your goals, better yourself, and enrich your life.

      With just a few simple adjustments to how you think, you can actually start achieving your goals instead of just dreaming about them.

      Your brain is the gateway to your success or failure and we are here to help you succeed.

      As a whole, humans tend to always find a reason as to why the things that they want do not happen.

      Something or somebody is always to blame, but certainly not them, oh no! Granted, external factors are big influences in how our lives turn out, but not because of the factors themselves but rather, how we react to them.

      That is probably a new way of thinking for you. The law of attraction is based on that, your reactions, your thoughts, you attracting what you are thinking of.

      Our lives are so uncertain, that uncertainty causes stress, a lot of it. You might work very hard only to see somebody else get the reward, which can be frustrating and make you want to give up.

      The minute you think you might give up, you have given up, because it is a thought that has manifested.

      Part of the law of attraction will be that you will start taking responsibility for your actions and your mistakes; not because we want you to feel bad, but because it is your life, and ultimately what happens is up to you; good, bad or indifferent.

      Part of improving yourself is to recognize that you are not perfect and to take responsibility for your own actions, by doing that you will be putting yourself in a healthy frame of mind, in a positive frame of mind to begin to use the law of attraction to your benefit.

      The world is not to blame for your troubles or your lack of success, your way of thinking is.

      Oh sure, sometimes things happen that are simply beyond our control, setbacks are a part of life.

      It is how we deal with them that makes the difference.

      That is why some people seem to naturally get the things that they want out of life while others seem to struggle and get nowhere.
