Your Vote Is Magic!. Lyn Inc. Dillies. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lyn Inc. Dillies
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456610074
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      Your Vote Is Magic!

      How a Donkey, an Elephant, and an Illusionist

      Are Making Voters Appear


      Lyn Dillies

      Lovebug Publishing

      Westport, Massachusetts


      Copyright © 2012 by Lyn Dillies. For information contact

      Lyn Dillies at [email protected]

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2012906375

      CIP data for this book are available from the Library of


      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1007-4

      All rights reserved. Except as allowed for fair use, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

      Cover Design: Chris Williams

      Cover photography: Judy Ballantine

      Research consultant: Patricia Millman

      Subtitle inspiration: Megan Stubbs


      This book is dedicated to my parents, who have always been the real magic in my life.

      To my mother, who is my hero and best friend.

      And to my father, who never had the chance to fully know how much he inspired me and whose impact is with me every day.

      I don’t know what I would have done without them. Thank goodness they always had the time and patience to watch one of my tricks just one more time . . . “Can you watch it once more?” I would ask. They never said no.

      I will be forever grateful.


      A very special thank you to Patricia Millman for giving me the confidence, guidance and support to write this book. You helped make this book a reality!

      Thank you to Abner and Emily for being such wonderful animals. May you always know how much you are loved.

      Thank you to Judy Ballantine for entrusting your beloved donkey, Abner, to me and the Buttonwood Park Zoo.

      Thank you to Shara Crook Martin, Dr. William Langbauer, Bill Sampson and all of the trainers at the Buttonwood Park Zoo: Jenny, Kay, Sarah, and Shelly for your expertise, patience and diligence. It will always be deeply appreciated!

      Thank you to my assistant Marc Leblanc and technical director Steve Zakszewski for always coming through, no matter how outlandish or challenging my brainstorms are!

      Thank you to Ron Fortier for all of your hard work, never-wavering support and help with my vision.

      Thank you to Mayor Lang for enabling Your Vote Is Magic! to happen and believing in my message.

      Thank you to Mayor Kalisz for being the original catalyst in my work with Emily and Ruth.

      Thank you to Phil Paleologos, Ken Pittman, and Ellen Ratner for hosting Your Vote Is Magic! You added your own magic to the evening!

      Thank you to Maria Tomasia for your enthusiasm and help to promote Your Vote Is Magic!

      Thank you to Bill Webster for your constant belief in my dream.

      Thank you to all of the volunteers and crew involved in the illusion. I hope you never forget how you helped make the impossible possible.

      Thank you to the maintenance workers of the Buttonwood Park Zoo for always going above and beyond for us.

      Thank you to David Oliver for your talent, creativity and friendship. You are amazing in so many ways.

      Thank you to Dave Lebeau from Lightworks Productions for your generosity.

      Thank you to my music composer, Joe Carrier, for your beautiful score.

      Thank you to Senator Michael Rodrigues for exemplifying the importance of our vote.

      Thank you to Anne Marie Couto and Kirks Follies for coming to my fashion rescue!

      Thank you to Sue Weiner for all of your help.

      Thank you to ALPS for providing such exceptional production and service.

      Thank you to all the participants in the Your Vote Is Magic! rally: girl scouts, servicemen, veterans, and performers . . . you made it all the more special.

      Thank you to Lee’s Market for supplying grapes to Emily and Ruth. You kept them very happy!

      Thank you to my film director, John Methia, for working your magic!

      Thank you to my photographer, John Robson, for capturing how special the event was.

      Thank you to the bravery of all the souls who had the passion to fight for what they believed in—the right to vote.

      Thank you to my Aunt Rozzie for her inspiration and for giving me the courage to pursue my career in magic.

      Thank you to my Aunt Nat for being the best clapper in the audience and never missing a local show.

      Thank you to my cousin Martha for all of your help and support with Your Vote Is Magic! and for being such an important part of my life.

      Thank you to my dear friend Ken. You will always be part of my magic.

      Thank you to all of my pals in magic including “Uncle Ray,” General Grant, Andre Kole, Dantini, and the late Larry White — for your friendship and wonderful support through the years.

      And my most profound thanks to my family and friends for being there . . . ALWAYS! You are cherished more than you’ll ever know!


      I don’t claim to be an expert on voting or even an eloquent writer. I’m a professional Illusionist who set out to perform an amazing, original illusion with a message. This book is written purely from my heart to tell my story about that illusion, called Your Vote Is Magic! One of my goals through this endeavor has always been to help educate, motivate and inspire as many students as possible about voting. I hope my book will navigate a way through their high-tech world and instill in them the importance of their future vote. Your Vote Is Magic! has been written through the eyes of an average citizen. As you will see, I was compelled to present a really grand, unique illusion for the 2008 presidential election. Through my father’s beliefs I knew early on just how important voting is. That’s what I hope to pass along. As I ventured through my journey, it was an eye-opener for me to realize just how much voting really affects our everyday lives. And so it became more than a book—it became an exciting adventure.

      Your Vote Is Magic! will engage the reader from the conception of the illusion, as it follows the process of creating one of the most elaborate illusions ever performed in the world of magic. Although there will still be a large element of mystery (that’s guaranteed!), I’ll actually reveal what it took to make it happen, in its many fascinating, sometimes very stressful, and often funny details.

      I hope this book will be a page-turner because that’s how the process felt to me for an entire year, as the concept