Diary: Alone on Earth. JD Weldy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: JD Weldy
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456605315
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      Diary: Alone on Earth


      JD Weldy

      edited by

      Morten Rand

      Copyright 2011 JD Weldy,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0531-5

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

      Diary: Alone on Earth - Prologue

      November 16th, 2016, will be a day of confusion. There will be distorted signals on TV and radio, with news commentators saying that it is a sunspot, that global warming is increasing, and presenting a multitude of excuses that can neither be proven nor disproved. Animals will be acting strangely. In fact, it will be reported on MSNBC that President Obama has put the U.S. military on DEFCON 3 due to an intermittent humming throughout the USA and the world. President Elect Sarah Palin will argue that the military should be placed at DEFCON 4. No one apparently knows what is causing the humming noise, but government officials are positive it isn't emanating from any single country, nor is it coming from outer space. No one - including David, whose experiences are being written into this diary - knows what to make of it.

      David is a complicated man. He lost the only love of his life in an accident at home, and has never forgiven himself for not responding sooner to save his beloved wife. His reaction has been to cut himself off from the world and society at large by living in the small town of Axis, Alabama, pop. 341. He lives a quiet, sedate life with Ralph, his beagle, concerned with no one but himself.

      That all changes on November 16th, 2016, where David goes to bed hoping everything will be sorted out in the morning. For once, he allows his beloved dog to sleep at the foot of his bed. Both of them are feeling scared, a little sick for some reason, and tired. David believes everything will be cleared up in the morning.

      He is wrong.

      My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace.

      I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war.

      Psalms 120: 6,7

      Alone on Earth – Entry #1

      November 16, 2016


      Dear Diary,

      I awoke this morning to a slight humming noise, which I thought was coming from the communications center. But I turned it down low in case of any incoming calls or email. I went outside, and then it stopped just as suddenly as it had started. Ralph was whining the entire time. The humming lasted only about 2 or 3 minutes. A few years ago, I would have said it was coming from power lines, except there are no power lines any longer. I need to take Ralph in to town for a checkup, he’s been acting funny for the past few days.


      Dear Diary,

      The vet could find nothing wrong with Ralph, who is 8 years old now. I’m not sure what I’m going to do when he dies, I’m really attached to that animal. The humming noise started up again while I was in town, only this time it lasted longer…about five minutes. The vet and I stepped outside, trying to figure out where in the world it was coming from. The talking heads, those local TV news reporters, interrupted programming to tell everyone what we already knew: There is a humming noise that can’t be located, it’s coming from the sky is the best I can say. The sound lasted about 15 minutes this time. It irritates my ears more than anything, and seems to be hurting all the animals in the vet's office much worse. Note to self: I need to go to my sister’s house to pick up those tools she borrowed from me.


      Dear Diary,

      I don’t know how to explain this. On the way back home from my sister’s house, birds were falling out of the sky…dead as a door nail. Two landed on the hood of my truck and caused some minor damage. I counted about 27 birds lying on the road on my way back home before I gave up. Something is wrong, really wrong! MSNBC has officials from NASA saying the humming sound has to be due to some kind of electronic synchronization that I didn’t completely understand. Two scientists said it was sun spots, one that it was due to global warming. Neither excuse made sense to me. How can any electronic malfunction cause humming all around the world, as they're now reporting on all major networks? I’m convinced no one knows what is causing this.


      Dear Diary,

      Power has gone out four times since my last entry. I’m very thankful I still have my old windup Big Ben alarm clock. People laugh at me for keeping old windup clocks and watches, but I am glad I have them now. I have probably made more entries in this old diary notebook than at any other time since I started over five years ago. When I called my brother on my wrist video phone, he picked up, but the picture was distorted and I could barely understand him. In fact, all TV and radio signals are distorted today. It has to be due to the humming noise that no one can explain at the moment.


      Dear Diary,

      Nothing on the communications center but talk about the humming noise, which is still ongoing as I write this. All major networks have someone with some kind of degree giving his or her theory. Internet II is almost impossible to access due to so many people being online at once. I counted 11 dead squirrels and 37 dead birds in my backyard a few minutes ago. Something is terribly wrong, and no one is telling us what this could be! Ralph is also acting strange, he actually growled at me when I started to pet him. He's never, ever growled at me in the 8 years I've owned him. Today, have had numerous relatives and friends coming over to my house, crying and in near hysterics about this humming phenomenon. My brother asked me to join him at his house tonight, but I declined. People are saying it’s the end of the world, an asteroid is headed this way, the rapture is about to take place…you name it, people are saying it.


      Dear Diary,

      President Obama has placed the entire U.S. armed forces at DEFCON 3. President-Elect Palin stated that with an “unknown” such as this humming noise, we should be at DEFCON 4…at least. Many people are theorizing that this is something Russia has devised since they are well on their way to losing the second Cold War. That doesn’t make sense: Animals have been dying at an alarming rate all over Earth, including Russia! Birds seem to be especially hard hit, they're like a continual thud on my roof. It has been reported that thousands of people all over the world have committed suicide due to this incessant humming. It's like when your ear rings, but more painful. Power went out about 5:30 and just came back on about 10 minutes ago. There are power blackouts like this all over the world.


      Dear Diary,

      This has been a day like no other in history. Nations all over the world are at their highest military alert waiting for something. Western nations are convinced Russia is up to something. Russia is convinced the USA is at the bottom of this humming noise. No one, and I mean NO ONE, knows what is causing this. Everyone is saying it’s not coming from outer space. But how do they know for sure? India has invaded Pakistan for reasons unknown at this time. The entire world is on edge. I admit it…I’m scared. I regret not taking my brother up on his offer to spend the night at his home. I tried calling him again on my WVP, but found it impossible to connect.


      Dear Diary,