Sonship. Kay Ph.D. Fairchild. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kay Ph.D. Fairchild
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456602482
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      By Dr. Kay Fairchild

      Published and Distributed by

      Wings of Truth Productions

      Florida Theological Seminary Inc

      934 North Magnolia Ave. Suite 308

      Orlando, Florida 32803

      Copyright 2011 Kay Fairchild,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0248-2

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

      For other resources contact:

      Dr. Kay Fairchild

      10314 Lake, Sebago Dr.

      Fort Wayne, In 46804

      Phone (260)755-6354




      In Romans chapter 8 verse 15 we read: "For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba, Father." Verse 23: "And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit the redemption of our bodies." Then in Ephesians chapter 1 Verse 5 Paul said to the church in Ephesus: "Having predestinated us unto the adoption..."

      The word "adoption" is translated from two Greek words: ‘huiothesis’ and ‘huios.’ ‘Huios’ means a son, and the word ‘Thesis’ means a placing. Therefore the word adoption in the bible means a placing of a son.

      We must realize that the word adoption has no reference to an orphan without parents. Nor does it refer to a childless couple who wish to adopt an orphan or an unwanted child. For example if we were going to have a child in the sense of which we normally think of adoption, we would choose the child that we wanted, go to the courts, and go through the procedure to legally adopt the child as our own. I was adopted in the natural; I never knew my real parents, until about 25 years ago when I met my biological mother.

      So I am not of my adoptive parent's flesh and blood. I belong to them only because of the consent of the authorities of the government. However this is not the kind of adoption spoken of in the Bible. This spiritual adoption in the bible refers to a young man who has reached adulthood, not in years, but in the fullness of stature and maturity.

      The number of years one has been a Christian has nothing to do with sonship; it has to do with maturity. Some people go through a maturing process in just a few years, while others who have been a Christians for 10, 20, or 30 years, are still in infancy. Chronological age has nothing to do with it. It is totally a spiritual thing, and you can mature as fast as you want.

      Progressing From Age To Age

      As a Christian, you have four ages: There is the chronological age, your actual age from the time you were born, which is measured in calendar years; and then your mental age. These two ages are in the natural. Then, in the realm of the Spirit, there is the born again age. Then there is a person’s spiritual maturity. Sad to say, many Christians have a born again age of 50, and a spiritual maturity age of an infant. I repeat, the chronological age has nothing to do with being adopted as a son, according to the bible.

      When a young man grew up in Bible times, and demonstrated his maturity and ability to bear responsibility, as a result of the sound judgment of his father, he was placed into the family as a son in a public ceremony. This was the custom that the Hebrews had.

      The father would call the elders into the gate and all the neighbors would come and the father would place his signet ring on his son in the presence of the elders of Israel. This was a very special occasion and the most important event in the young man's entire life up to that point. He came into maturity and he came into his inheritance. From that moment on everything changed for the young man. Just like a wedding today; after one is married in the natural, everything changes.

      It was the same way in the life of Jesus. Before Jesus was baptized in the river Jordan, He had no ministry in operation that we are aware of. Then, within just a few hours, He was driven by the Spirit into the wilderness; and immediatly He came back performing miracles and teaching.

      Even before his public adoption, the boy was the natural offspring of the father, even from his conception in his mother's womb. So, it is clear that this has nothing to do with the western idea of adoption.

      When the young man was mature and able to hold responsibility, and the father could say, "I can trust this man. He knows all the particulars of the business; he will not waste money, etc." Then the young man was considered mature and he was adopted or placed as a son. But he had to be the natural offspring of his father and legal mother.

      In the story of the prodigal son in Luke chapter 15, the father did not go to the younger son and offer to give him his inheritance. It was the son who made the decision, and the father bent to the wishes of the young son. Then, the boy went out and squandered the money; he wasted it on riotous living.

      This is an example of what would happen if God would give us the complete experience of our inheritance before we are mature; we would squander it. But our Father will not do that, He is too wise.

      We must realize that we are potential sons of God waiting to be placed into the family, experientially, as sons. And it all hinges on maturity. We must mature; we must grow up.

      Power to Become a Son

      If there is a desire within you to be adopted as a son of God, then there must first be growth into advanced maturity. When you received Christ as Savior you were immediately given and endued with abilities which are yours to use. That is what the scripture says in John 1:12: "But as many as receive Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God..."

      The moment you receive Christ as Savior, there was put within you that which you need to mature; now it is up to you. It is not, Oh, God mature me." God said that when you received Christ, then you were given power and the ability to mature.

      Of course, we come into the family as a child, but even in the natural when a baby is born, it has everything it needs to grow up. All the potential for it to grow is already there, and it is the same with us spiritually.

      The Greek word for power is "exousia" in John 1:12. This means that when you are born again, you are given the power or ability to develop and grow.

      The question is why are there some people who have accepted Christ, but do not grow? The reason is that they have not made a decision to grow, they do not "will" to grow. Then there are some who do not know that they are supposed to grow.

      Within the privilege of being a child and within the child himself, are the abilities of growth and development into advanced maturity. This is just a stepping-stone which eventually leads to sonship. So the moment you begin to use the ability which you possess, you begin to grow, develop, and mature. As this happens you get increased revelation knowledge, and you are on your way to sonship.

      Remember, this is not something God