There Is No Comparison
The World vs. The Kingdom of God
Wisdom for Teens Powerful Enough for Adults
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
There is No Comparison
ISBN-13: 978-0-9832-7562-6
Copyright 2011 Eric Brown,
Published in eBook format by Angel's Music Inc.
Converted by
Angel’s Music
P.O. Box 13385
Detroit, Michigan 48213
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
Letter from the author to you,
I want to start by saying thank you for purchasing my first book, There is No Comparison. I’m grateful and hopeful that your life will be enriched by your purchase which means more to me than any money I receive for each book I sell. My journey in life has brought me to many different places in life and has taught me many things. One thing I have learned on my journey that I know is true is that it is better to give than to receive. Therefore, I give thanks to my God for my journey which has brought me to you so that I can give to you what I have freely received from Him. I bless you and I hope this book inspires you to live a life in freedom and in victory.
Sincerely yours,
E.L. Brown
Thank You
I thank you Father for your love, grace, and kindness that you have shown me consistently. Without you, there is absolutely no way that this book would have ever been finished and I want you to know personally that I am grateful and overwhelmed by your love. I thank you Pastor, Apostle Donald Coleman and First Lady Shay for your determination to see God’s will fulfilled in your lives and the lives of others. I thank you Mother, Elsie Brown for your support and always being there for me no matter what I am going through; I have found that you are always there and I’m grateful, thank you. I want to thank all of the leaders at New Breakthrough Church international along with every member for being committed to fulfilling God’s will. I want to thank my editors for doing a great job editing my book, Ms. Hicks and Akia Walton. I want to thank my good friend, Norman Plant, for helping me design my book cover and logo for my company. I want to thank the body of Christ as a whole, my family and my friends for your prayers, support and for the love you have shown me. I am grateful, love you all.
There Is No Comparison
When you look at this world and everything it has to offer—expensive clothes, costly jewelry, fancy cars, exquisite houses, beautiful women, handsome men, high-paying jobs, celebrity and fame, scary power, outrageous parties, explicit music and all its money and “bling”—you think: “THAT’S WHAT’S UP, THAT IS THE LIFE!
On the other hand, when you look at the Kingdom of God and all that God has to offer—peace, joy, truth, health, favor, abundance, purpose, meaning, destiny, and all His love—you think: “I CAN LIVE WITHOUT IT!” What you do not realize is that in reality, “THAT IS WHAT’S UP, THAT IS THE LIFE!” God’s family is the only family on earth without lack, full of abundance, overflowing with resources, all-powerful, and unbeatable.
Throughout this book I call God’s family the Kingdom of God. It is identified as a kingdom in which God is the King whose throne is in Heaven and who has sent His children to earth to rule over the whole earth. He has commanded them to be fruitful in the earth, to multiply in the earth, and to replenish and subdue the earth. The whole earth is God’s: He created it; He formed it; and He filled it, but He has allowed His children to occupy the throne on the earth. They will rule on the earth as partakers with Jesus who share His throne and authority forever (Revelation 3:21).
Throughout this book, I call Satan’s family the World (which includes all individuals who refuse to repent and receive Jesus as Lord). The World is identified as a kingdom in which Satan is the King who has no power, no authority, and no dominion on the earth. He is very clever and cunning and his cleverness has allowed him to deceive many in the world into following after him. He has persuaded people to believe that his ways are the way to life, fun, riches, fame, and power, though in fact they are the way to destruction and eternal damnation. All of Satan’s children lack in many areas of their lives. Not one of his children are wealthy—spiritually wealthy (which is the only wealth that really matters)—not one of them. They are all in poverty—spiritual poverty—which means there is no life in them. They have a joy poverty, meaning they have no joy. They have love poverty, meaning they never experience love because God is Love and they do not know God. Last but not least, they are in financial poverty because, even if they have a lot of money, their money is cursed by God and is theirs only temporary because it is laid up for the just, God’s family (Proverbs 13:22).
This world’s platform begins to lower as you obtain more wisdom and experience in your life. Proverbs 4:7 in the Word of God says Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding (KJV). You see, as most people get older they tend to realize that the world is full of lies, deceitfulness, and deadly poison. Though they gain wisdom through the things they experience in the world and discover that the ways of the world are corrupted, many people cannot turn from them because they do not understand that the only way to escape is to turn to God and His ways. Finally, there are only two kingdoms on the earth—the Kingdom of God and the World. Every individual belongs to one or the other.
Chapter 1
My Own Experience
Before I entered the Kingdom of God, I had no idea that up to that point in my life, everything I did was meaningless. All of my accomplishments meant nothing; all of the cars I had, all the fancy clothes I wore, all the expensive jewelry I wore, all the girls I dated, all the people I knew and all the respect I was given was worthless. My life had no purpose or meaning and it was filled with disappointments. I was just living the way I was taught and following the world’s way of doing things, like the majority of people I knew.
The World had me trapped in a system that taught me how to think and what to value. It was almost as if I was brainwashed to go along with everything everybody else said and did. My dreams had become their dreams: to go to the NBA, to sell drugs and to become a rapper. My hopes had become their hopes: to get rich fast, become famous and be a big player. My thoughts had become their thoughts: self-driven, cunning and wicked. I was in over my head and the World had me just where they wanted me, trapped.
I had been tricked, fooled, misled, cheated, lied to, abused, taken advantage of and stripped of my own identity. I had become the World and the World was me. We were all one big unhappy family, doomed for everlasting hell fire and Satan (the prince of this world) was our father. It’s one thing to know that your life is going in the wrong direction. However, it is a sad thing to know it and not be able to change and go in the right direction (Proverbs 3:5). Although I knew that my life was not right and that I wasn’t who I pretended to be, I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to change and go into the right direction. I just knew deep down inside that I was not the person I made known to everyone else.
Looking back, all I can say is what was I thinking or was I even thinking at all. Now it seems foolish for me to have followed people who were in a place in their life that they didn’t want to be: always complaining, bitter, lacking peace, broke, stubborn, jealous, full of pride, disobedient,