Organic Wisdom
Clarity is a Powerful Tool
Dean G Allen, PhD
Copyright 2011 Dean G Allen, PhD,
All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0069-3
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
These Insights of “Organic Wisdom” were originally a list of ‘treasured therapeutic INSIGHTS’ that I collected over many years of walking many transformative pathways with clients seeking more conscious concepts that connect with Reality and their life to make them more capable of effectively functioning productively in their life so they are more able to manifest their Spirit’s desires.
These Insights provide us with the basic conceptual imagery needed to think consciously in alignment with the Laws of energetic Reality (so The Force of those Laws is With Us - not against us!). This gives us our PERSONAL POWER from being able to process our life more clearly, quickly and appropriately. This is essential to be able to effectively create our own personal happiness and fulfillment - quicker!
See how personal success is about making clearer decisions quicker that align with energetic Reality!
See how personal problems are about a magnetic drag (memory) on your Spirit Life-force energy flow!
The pathway of evolving our consciousness leads to fulfilling our divine intent IF WE are able to think/process our life clear enough and quick enough to stay ahead of the curve (with ‘concepts’ that ‘fuse’ with the Laws/Ways of energy …and avoid ‘con-fusion’ - the PRIMARY human problem)!
Consciousness is seeing Reality clearly ahead of the moment - as it comes towards us - so we may avoid the pain of only seeing the final effects of the Laws when it physically happen in the 3rd dimension!
Consciousness can be seen as three basic levels of what’s ‘happening’; (1) those who see and live ahead of Reality’s curves and therefore make things happen; (2) those who see but don’t live ahead of Reality’s curves and therefore watch things happen; and (3) those who don’t see or live ahead of the Laws/Ways of Reality’s curves and they therefore can only wonder what (the hell just) happened?
‘Organic Wisdom’ reveals basic RULES that clarify the energetic Laws and Ways through the jungles of our confusions primarily about who we are and how we function at the essence of our energetic being – as 23 innate organ/gland TOOLS as energy systems that give us our personal powers and/or our problems.
Our organ/gland TOOLS form the essence of our physical energetic existence and give us our physical, emotional and mental (body/mind) vehicle complete with memory (karma) of how we operate in our life with respect to these RULES in the way we perform our subtle energy scenes where these Rules apply.
Knowing how our vehicle (body/emotions/mind/Spirit Life-force energy TOOLS) operates gives our mind the conceptual foundation to more clearly understand our Self and how we are designed to function energetically. I detail these organic (organ/gland) TOOLS in my book - KNOW THYSELF - and reveal how we can now scientifically track and know our personal blocks to being who we are functionally in our life’s ability to clearly perceive and express our 253 circuits of personal power (binomial power connections between our 23 physical, emotional and mental organ/gland Spirit Life-force energies).
Organic Wisdom
Discover the Secret Insights of Conscious Transformation!
Consciously Claim your PERSONAL POWER for Happiness and Fulfillment!
Make Clearer Decisions Quicker that Align with REALITY!
Release the Pain of electrical DRAG on Your Spirit Life-force Energy Flow!
Dean G. Allen, PhD
Wellness Consciousness Consultant
The path to CONSCIOUS TRANSFORMATION and fulfillment of your divine intent depends on YOU being able to THINK in CONCEPTS that FUSE with ENERGETIC Reality!
-- Dean G Allen, PhD
LIFE IS A GAME about (1) REALITY (chapter numbers/titles sequence the game). We lose when (2) CONFUSION creates our (3) PROBLEMS by how we (4) FUNCTION and (5) PROCESS our life. We win (6) POINTS when we perform our (7) POLARITY dance (in the moment) with (8) HOMEOSTASIS & (9) CONSCIOUSNESS by playing LIFE’S ENERGY GAME the Way it WORKS, which creates real (10) SOLUTIONS!
So LIFE is a GAME of learning to EXPRESS your 23 personal TOOLS (clearly & quickly) in alignment with the RULES or ‘The Tao’ or Laws of ENERGY that defines Reality!
There are 2 kinds of Laws: descriptive Laws and prescriptive laws. Gods Laws describe the Way energy IS; and man's laws prescribe the way man THINKS them to be!
The Ways of the Spirit are the Ways of the Laws of LIGHT, which are designed to work perfectly EXCEPT when pulled off course by the magnetic drag (of trauma memory) on Spirit Life-force energy flow.
This electrical drag from trauma memory and fear creates the darkness of confusion. "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." (John 1:5).
So, "darkness" can NOT comprehend the Ways of "the Light", confirming Einstein's famous quote from his experiences with the science of physics, where he learned that: "No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it."
The primary human problem is the darkness of CONFUSION about energetic Reality! This defiles the clear view of order (Laws & Ways) needed to make clear decisions & actions aligned with the force of the LAWS, so the force is with us (personal power), rather than against us (disempowered)!
"And the Word (order) was made flesh" (John 1:14) meaning our ISSUES (order) are “made flesh” in our TISSUES from being ALIGNED with the "ORDER" we follow!
1000's of clients have taught me that when divine ORDER (Law) is distorted by CONFUSION long enough ...confusion becomes "flesh" by manifesting ISSUES into TISSUES as DISEASE, DISORDER, DYSFUNCTION & DEGENERATION.
The 'dragon' is defined as the electrical 'drag' on Spirit Life-force energy flow from the past trauma memory being reactivated.
Notice how the 'D words': disease, degeneration, dysfunction, disorder, death and dying; are all the effects of DRAG that show up as SYMPTOMS.
These messages - IF NOT HEARD & HEEDED TO will IN FACT create degeneration, death and dying!
"The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23) is an enlightened quote when considered energetically. The word 'SIN' is an archery term that means 'OFF THE MARK' or 'against the Ways of Spirit'.
Personally, I represent NO religious position except those aligned with Reality as observed by science. This Reality based on science has been confirmed by my observations of thousands of clients who have followed the Laws of Reality ...or NOT.
I've personally seen how following 'dragon solutions' (that are 'not real' solutions) - predictably manifest as specific physical, emotional, and mental disorders, disease and degeneration!
Being in charge of our LIFE (our body, businesses & relationships) IS ONLY possible by clearly SEEING & UNDERSTANDING who we are and how we function energetically.
We then must