Startled from Their Graves.... Jan BSL Langley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jan BSL Langley
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456600624
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      Startled from Their Graves...

      Ghost of Michigan's Thumb and Upper Peninsula


      Jan Langley

      Cover Illustration, Original Oil Painting by

      Dawn Schumacher

      Cover and Interior Design by

      Stacey Willey

      Copyright 2011 Jan Langley,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0062-4

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

      “The times have been that, when the brains were out, the man would die, and there an end; but now they rise again.”

      ~ Macbeth


      Many people pass on quietly to their eternity, but then there are those who are startled from their graves. Resting in Peace is not their idea of the hereafter. What binds their spirit to an earthy abode can be many things: “ incorrect or absent funeral ritual can leave the soul of the departed uneasy and unable to make the transition to the next realm and now it has nothing better to do then hang around here and make life miserable for the rest of us....”

      Perhaps the departed left suddenly and are not quit sure that they are dead; on the other hand, a house they once lived in and loved is under restoration and they do not like it. Not one bit. Some spirits are insistent that the place they are haunting remain the same as it was in their lifetime and will do everything they can to make sure that it does. This includes scaring the living daylights out of you. Or could be that lovely broach they once were so fond of, given to them by a beloved husband or lover has just been auctioned off to a lady who will use it to decorate her silly pink sweater. Sorry, they want it back. Others seem quite content to repeat their lifetime behaviors such as swinging on a porch swing, watching you from a window or hitchhiking to eternity on US 2.

      Glimpses of spirits are often unexpectedly caught in the oddest of places; for instance, you encounter your dead uncle standing directly in front of you as you climb the stairs at grandmother’s house or as you turn on the lights and enter the dining room ... there sitting at the table is — long dead Aunt Martha waiting for dinner! Then they are gone, leaving a misty cold spot, or the smell of a cigar or the lingering stench of a corpse.

      That there are ghosts among us is undeniable. I know. I have seen their misty substances and their shadows. I have smelled the odors that they drag from their graves along with them. I have watched their antics, their ringing of bells and moving furniture. I have seen the result of their efforts of trying to manifest. Yes, ghosts are among us but I will not attempt to make you a believer. Trust me; you have to encounter one and then you too will be a believer in the afterlife...the netherworld.

      The following tales are the result of interviews and investigations. Some are enhanced to scare you to death. Several of them required historical research, especially the Point Aux Barques Lighthouse and the Whitefish Point Lighthouse where phantom footsteps follow tourists as they poke their noses into places long unoccupied by the living. Several phantoms were found in Huron County along M-25. There were great fires in this area and many people died in the conflagrations. Remember the mysterious orbs that traveled M-28 in my first book, A Ghostly Road Tour of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula? You will find these same orbs in ditches along the back roads in Michigan’s Huron County. Many people believe they are spirits of the people who died in the fires.

      In my search for interesting hauntings, several more ghosts were surprised from their graves in the Upper Peninsula: Sault Ste. Marie, Whitefish Point, Delta County’s Ford River area, Ispheming, Houghton and Marquette. You will not find a village or small town in Michigan that does not have its share of ghosts in its houses, saloons, restaurants, museums, theaters, hardware stores and churches.

      Do ghosts have a separate reality other than our imagination? You decide as you read the following accounts of regular people and their encounters with the supernatural. When you least expect it, you too will encounter a ghost. I can almost hear your screams.

      Christmas Spirit

      The house was quite large, but cozy enough, at least on the main floor which held a large stone fireplace that divided the dining room and living room. The library stood off to the side of the dining room and it also had a fireplace and a wonderful view of the back yard; it would be a great place for a cozy fire and a good book. The kitchen was small but filled with storage cupboards and all of the cooking necessities one could want. Mary especially liked the two ovens built into the brick faced wall beside the stove. The kitchen looked as if it had been redone about ten years before. A central staircase led up to four bedrooms, two on each side of the stairway with a small hallway separating them.

      Mike was in the process of finishing off part of the basement to make it into an office. It was one of several remodeling projects they were planning. An old piano remained down there, left behind after the estate sale of the previous owner. Mary often played it while waiting for the dryer to finish its job in the adjacent laundry room.

      A few weeks before Christmas, Mary went down to the basement to finish some laundry. After folding the clothes she set the basket at the bottom of the steps and went to the piano to practice for the holiday recital at her church. Just as she sat down she heard a soft crying in the wall right next to her. Thoroughly startled she paused as the notes of “Noel” disappeared into the room. Her fingers turned ice-cold and, improbably, she could see her breath. The weeping started again, very softly… quite close to her as if someone were sitting on the piano bench next to her. That and her frozen fingers jarred her enough to make her run to the stairway grabbing the basket of laundry as she threw herself up the steps. Mike, who was making himself sandwich in the kitchen, heard the sobbing that seemed to bounce off the walls and echo all around him. He ran to the basement door just in time to catch Mary as she ran into his arms: the laundry basket took flight across the room to land sliding next to the kitchen table where its contents started to unfold and unseen hands pitched them from the basket throughout the room.

      This wasn’t the first time that strange things had taken place in the house at the end of a country lane outside of college town in the Upper Peninsula As a matter of fact, there had been several instances of paranormal activity in the house since Mike and Mary had purchased the property from the Mattsom estate. For the first few months the activity was limited to slamming doors, flickering lights and finding an occasional few pots and pans scattered about on the kitchen floor. The activity had only recently increased as Christmas approached. Today’s episode was terribly unnerving for Mary. She knew now that their home was haunted. She repeatedly told Mike of the shadowy figure she caught out of the corner of her eye as she sat in the rocking chair in the living room reading her favorite mystery writer, Agatha Christie.

      Mike listened but brushed it all off as nerves but secretly he too became increasingly aware of unusual occurrences while in the house…especially lately as his tools begin to disappear and reappear from one place to another. While they were both a bit unnerved by this latest aberration, they decided to wait until after the Christmas holidays to do anything about it. Their sleep was undisturbed during this time period. Doors stayed shut, lights stayed on, the pots and pans remained in the cupboards. Everything was quiet as if the house were resting

      The week before Christmas they drove to the tree farm about six miles down the road to pick out a Christmas tree. It had started to snow when they pulled their