Caressless. Heru Psy.D. EL. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Heru Psy.D. EL
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежные детективы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780984308019
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      El Heru

      Copyright 2011 Heru EL,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by UAXSAKTUN PUBLISHERS

      Converted by

      ISBN-13: 978-0-9843-0801-9

      Publishers Note

      This book is a work of fiction. Names character, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

      Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means 9electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, narration, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

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      To my Daughters Eryka and Shanna who gave me unending inspiration

      And Kijana who provided tons of support and knowledge.

      New Clientele

      It was a cold and windy a typical Thursday afternoon in Chicago three weeks before Christmas. The noon sun managed to bring the temperature to a mere 17 degrees up from 9 degrees this morning “The City with Broad Shoulders” was just getting over the sudden death of its beloved Mayor Harold Washington the month prior. The city’s first African American Mayor in its long and storied history. He was highly intelligent as well as articulate. I remember attending one his news conferences and each time he would use one of his million dollar words the press would thumb thru their dictionary’s to find its meaning. The beautiful skyline and classical architectural buildings surround my 19th floor office. It’s amazing how this section of downtown Chicago looks exactly like New York’s downtown with its stone skyscrapers and bold Masonic symbols carved into its facades.

      The bright sun filtered through my blinds as I sat in my comfortable leather bound recliner counting my blessings. Gazing across my office at the designer paintings and plaques of scholastic achievements floating on the wall, I have an attractive secretary fielding my appointments and calls, a newly purchased condo with a view to beautiful Lake Michigan. I often wonder to myself, where would I be today if I had gone thru some of the experiences of my patients. My 2 pm appointment was in waiting, her name was Sandra Sheridan it was our third session and she finally began to open up in our last session. She was one of the first of new and different clients I am seeing since I signed a new contract with the Cook County Department of Domestic Abuse. Sandra was an attractive 29 year old Black woman with the large troubling eyes, a hard to ignore bust line that she was proud to display and when she got up to get a drink of water from the cooler I couldn’t help but to see a smooth pear shaped ass pressed against her tight skirt, not too much makeup but her perm needed a touch up, nice Gucci handbag and small piece of ice in her small earlobes. You see Sandra had a penchant for slicing her boyfriends with switchblades. Her first assault was a stab wound to the arm, the next a stab wound in the leg and the latest one needed 24 stitches to mend his penis, she was charged with assault for this last one, it was a little hard for the Chicago Police District commander to explain that injury to his Desk Sergeant wife. Its time to see what’s causing the glitch in her program.

      “Lisa I’m ready for Ms Sheridan.” Sandra walked in and for the first time she smiled “good afternoon Dr. Howard” “Hello Sandra, how are you today?” She was looking much better today she went to the hairdresser and she has on a nice tan wool v-neck sweater and some dark brown tight ass jeans with some calf high tan leather boots looks like she spent a little time putting on her makeup her large brown eyes seem to stand out more along with her dark red lipstick. “Relax Ms. Sheridan you can hang your jacket up or lay it acrossthe chair.”

      “Well Ms Sheridan do you remember were we left off last session?”

      Her voice was light and a little squeaky as she began to speak. She cleared her throat a few times. “Well I was in 5th grade at McKinley Elementary I can remember that day very clearly I got A’s and B’s on my report card I came home early from school that day due to some kind of half day schedule but I forgot to tell my Aunt Delia, as I walked up the stairs I could hear the music on the stereo was rather loud it was a James Brown song “The Big Payback” that’s amazing I could remember that so well. I grabbed the door key from around my neck and could feel the thundering bass from the stereo pounding the floor as I was turning the key I could hear my Aunt saying “ shoot that sugar on me big daddy” “shoot that sugar on me big daddy” puzzled as to what this term meant as I opened the door I see Earl who was renting one of the my Aunt’s spare rooms, standing up over my Aunt with his pants down to his ankles and his fat blubber ass facing me and I saw my Aunt with all of this white creamy liquid all over her face and it was squirting out his dick. Her big white bra had one of her big titties hanging out, and Earl was squeezing it with his right hand. I just stood there frozen in my tracks and my heart started beating really fast, not knowing what to do, go to my room or run back down the stairs, I just stood there frozen at the door. My Aunt Delia seemed to like this sugar, she was licking it off her lips with a soothing smile on her face, and Earl had his head back gazing toward the ceiling emitting this low moan and my Aunt eyes where closed with this sugar all over eyes. I never imagined I would see anything so nasty. That was my queue to tip toe to my room without being noticed. I got in my room and began to breath heavy like I was out of breath I didn’t know what to do, should I tell her what I saw or should I keep it a secret. I might get in trouble if I told her so I decided to keep it a secret. I looked down at my black paten leather shoes with a single strap into my buckle contrasting my favorites red socks. My blue and red trim book bag seemed so heavy at that moment I slide it off my narrow back gently on the edge of my bed, I laid across my bed thinking about all the nasty stuff the boys would talk about at school I didn’t know I would see it for real as I escaped into sleep. Next thing I felt was my Aunt Delia standing over me nudging me to wake up with a barrage of questions.

      “Sandra girl you bes take them shoes off! girl what’s on yo mind? And when did you get home? I didn’t see you come in and why did you leave that front door open?.” “We got out of school early today Auntie, I forgot to tell you.”

      She looked at me and turn her head to the side, her large hoop earrings dangled against her cheek yet her eyes were piercing right thru me and asked “what time did you get here? I stuttered a little and said I really can’t remember. She looked at me with a squinting glare as she slightly turned her head and uttered “uummmhuh! “we’ll talk later.” “You know today is wash day and when your done washing start that homework “Yes Maim” I got my clothes together and walked out of the room toward the washer and dryer in the kitchen hoping I didn’t see Earl, my Aunt yelled from the back “do the white clothes first don’t mess up my whites Sandra” I grabbed a hand full of white clothes she had put in a pile by the washer and felt something sticky on my right palm. It was from my Aunts big white bra she had on when Earl was squirting all over it with his “white sugar.” I blurted out eeuugghh!! and wiped my hands on one of the towels. Just at that moment Earl came out of his room. I thought to myself I hope he didn’t see me at the door. “Hey pretty Sand” he would call me, he would always say “boy if I was building a sand castle I would use nothing but pretty Sand.” Then he bent down and whispered in my ear so my Aunt wouldn’t hear “girl yo booty is getting big you betta leave them donuts alone” his breath stunk from that whiskey he keeps in his room and I didn’t like what he said to me. He pulled out this old lookin brown leather wallet and gave me $5 dollar bill and said don’t tell