How the Granola-Crunching, Tree-Hugging Thug Huggers Are Wrecking Our Country!. Lowell Ph.D. Green. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lowell Ph.D. Green
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456602277
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      This man is a “giant of talk radio,” Prime Minister Stephen Harper told some 850 people gathered at Ottawa’s Civic Centre in April 2006 for a “roast” marking Lowell Green’s 50th year in broadcasting. “I am sure I speak for all your listeners in thanking you for your huge contributions to democratic debate in this great country,” said the Prime Minister. Few would disagree.

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      For the past 50 years, no Canadian has followed as closely or debated as vigorously the issues that define our country and the world. Lowell is the recipient of both the Radio and Television News Directors Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Broadcast Journalism, and the Canadian Association of Broadcasters’ coveted Gold Ribbon Award for Outstanding Community Service by an Individual Broadcaster. The recipient of countless other awards and honours, including the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal for his work on behalf of veterans, Lowell Green’s broadcast views have delighted and infuriated but, most of all, enlightened generations of Canadians. So will this book!

      • • •

      If this book doesn’t get your blood

      boiling you may need a transfusion!

      Tough-minded, humorous, well-researched,

      and proudly politically incorrect, this book will

      drive Canada’s leftists absolutely crazy!

      In the unique style that has endeared him to one of Canada’s largest and most loyal radio audiences, best-selling author Lowell Green launches an all-out exposé on those Canadians he says are wrecking our country. He tackles issues ranging from our dangerous refugee, immigration and multicultural policies to the soft-on-crime-gang with their needle and crack-pipe handouts, the Kyoto Accord, Canada’s homeless “industry,” and much more.


      This book is not for the faint of heart;

      some of the revelations here are shocking.

      This is a wake-up call for Canadians, by the country’s

      most experienced radio broadcaster, a man with his finger

      on the pulse of the country he loves. Buckle up!

      • • •

      “Lowell Green’s passion is what makes him so good at what

      he does. When he takes on a cause, he is passionate about it.”

      — Steve Madely, radio host and commentator

      Lowell Green

      How the granola-crunching,


      thug huggers

      are wrecking

      our country!

      © 2012 Lowell Green

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except for brief quotations used for purposes of review, without the prior permission of the Author. For information, please contact the publisher at 613831-6307 or at

      Published in eBook format by Spruce Ridge Publishing Inc

      Converted by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0227-7

      Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data

      Green, Lowell, 1936-

      How the granola-crunching, tree-hugging thug huggers are wrecking our country / Lowell Green.

      To the

      “CFRA Nation”

      which has never

      let me down.



      Multiculturalism, bilingualism, biculturalism, medicare, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, peacekeeping, gay marriage, mass immigration, our open-arms refugee policy, Kyoto, the Young Offenders Act, needle exchange programs…all are, or have been, defining social policies of Canadian life. All appear to have evolved in isolation, independent of each other, sometimes at different times in our history. And yet close examination reveals a rather startling fact: They all spring from the same mindset, the same view of the world and of Canada. To put it in perhaps more understandable terms, the NDP strongly supports every single one of the policies that I have listed.

      How did this happen? How could it be that virtually every major social policy in this country conforms to the agenda of a socialist political party supported by less than 20 percent of the popular vote?

      In many instances these policies just showed up on our doorsteps one day with no kind of parliamentary or national debate. We all awoke one morning to discover that we were now a multicultural nation. That was just shortly after we were all informed in no uncertain terms that we were a bicultural nation. Our fighting military heritage was replaced by peacekeeping without anyone asking us. Kyoto was signed by the Chrétien government with most Canadians entirely unaware of the implications while large numbers of our leading scientists believe human-induced global warming is a hoax.

      Who are the people who made these decisions for us? How were they able to convince the bulk of Canadians that their vision of Canada is the one that should prevail? How did so many of us come to confuse socialist ideology with wisdom even when it leads to disaster?

      Most importantly, what can we do to start reversing some of the engines propelling us toward a dangerous cliff? A cliff over which many other socialist nations have already tumbled.

      First we must identify the enemy and the weapons they use!


      The Age of Wisdom

      My wife, who knows such things, says that according to the famed psychoanalyst Erik Erikson, I have now entered the age of wisdom. Which delights me since I was beginning to believe my increasing inability to deal with political correctness, bafflegab, and buffalo chips is due entirely to creaky knees and a declining golf game!

      I’m not making any claims that my brain power is superior, or even that it matches that of the great minds which have run and continue to run things around here. No doubt many of them have spent far more time than I at what my grandfather used to call “book learning,” but according to Erikson that’s not necessarily wisdom. Wisdom, he says, is achieved in the final stage of human life, “the integrity phase,” and can best be described as the ability to utilize knowledge, experience, and common sense coupled with insight that is hopefully acquired after many years of keen observation.

      I have certainly had many years of observation, some at least reasonably keen!

      After my wife informed me of this wisdom thing, I got to thinking that there is probably no one in this country who has discussed, debated, and downright argued with as many people about as many important issues as I. Similarly, I doubt very much if there is anyone in the country who has paid as close attention to daily events and their ramifications for as long as I. Thus it is that I am not sure whether it is the wisdom of my advancing years or the practical knowledge acquired from spending almost 50 of them at a microphone talking to thousands of people that has convinced me we’re doing just about everything we can to screw up what used to be a perfectly good country.

      Just to give you an idea of how long I’ve been at this talk-show business, and how much the nation’s mores have changed, when I started “The Greenline” in Ottawa in 1966 I could not use the word “pregnant” on air. Any reference to an impending