Design and Analysis of Experiments by Douglas Montgomery. Heath Rushing. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Heath Rushing
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Программы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781612908014
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      Design and Analysis of Experiments by Douglas Montgomery:

      A Supplement for Using JMP®

      Heath Rushing, Andrew Karl, and James Wisnowski



      The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is as follows: Rushing, Heath, Andrew Karl and James Wisnowski. 2013. Design and Analysis of Experiments by Douglas Montgomery: A Supplement for Using JMP®. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.

       Design and Analysis of Experiments by Douglas Montgomery: A Supplement for Using JMP

      Copyright © 2013, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA

      ISBN 978-1-61290-801-4

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      SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, North Carolina 27513-2414.

      October 2013

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      About This Book


      This is a supplement to the college textbook, Design and Analysis of Experiments by Douglas Montgomery using JMP software Version 10. Being that it is a supplement to an existing course textbook, this book is purely example-driven. This supplement demonstrates all examples from the course text, showing the reader how to complete the examples using JMP software Version 10. The following JMP platforms are used to produce examples: Custom Design, Screening Design, Response Surface Design, Mixture Design, Distribution, Fit Y by X, Matched Pairs, Fit Model, and Profiler.

      Is This Book for You?

      Although the majority of readers of this book are in academia (graduate or undergraduate programs), we anticipate that the other major audience includes scientists and engineers from the following industries: semiconductor, pharma/biopharma/medical device, chemical processing, manufacturing, and consumer goods. Level: Intermediate.


      At a minimum a reader of this book should have at least one introductory level course on statistics. However, this book is also appropriate for graduate level (Master’s) students who have had advanced courses in statistics and even college professors (since it is a JMP software supplement).

      Software Used to Develop This Book’s Content

      This book was developed using JMP Software Version 10.

      JMP Data Tables and JMP Scripts

      You can access the JMP data tables and JMP scripts for this book by linking to its author pages at Select the name of the author, then look for the cover image of this book and select “Example Code and Data” to display the JMP data tables and JMP scripts included in this book.

      Output and Graphics

      The output and graphics in this book were developed using JMP Software Version 10.

      Author Pages for This Book

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      For an alphabetical listing of all the books for which example code and data is available, see Select a title to display the book’s example code.

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