She Wore Red Trainers. Na'ima B. Robert. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Na'ima B. Robert
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781847740663
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      Wore Red



      Wore Red


      Na’ima B. Robert

      She Wore Red Trainers

      First published in 2014 by KUBE PUBLISHING LTD Tel +44 (01530) 249230, Fax +44 (01530) 249656 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

      Text copyright © 2014 Na’ima B. Robert

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

      stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any

      means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,

      without the prior permission of the copyright owner

      Author Na’ima B. Robert Book design Nasir Cadir Cover design Fatima Jamadar Editor Yosef Smyth

      A Cataloguing-in-Publication Data record for

      this book is available from the British Library

      ISBN 978-1-84774-065-6

      eISBN 978-1-84774-066-3

      Printed by Imak Ofset, Turkey

      To all those who are striving to

      ‘keep it halal’


      She was still looking at me, I could feel it.

      You know how it feels when someone is staring at the back of your neck; it’s as if they’re sending off radio waves or something. Of course, she was expecting me to turn around and look at her again. I caught the look she gave me, just before I sat down by the window on the bus. I knew what it meant.

      I took out my phone and started to play a game, hunching my shoulders to show that I was not interested.

      A year earlier, when I had started praying regularly and paying attention to halal and haram at last, Dad had reminded me of the Islamic guidelines on girls, now that I was finally ready to hear them: no second look, limited interaction, definitely no dating and, of course, no physical contact of any kind before marriage.

      There’s no point pretending it wasn’t hard.

      Some days, I thought I would literally go crazy, I was so tense and wound up. And all the girls in their summer dresses didn’t help things, trust me. Plus I was still thinking about my ex-girlfriend, Amy.

      ‘Fast, son,’ was Dad’s advice. ‘Work out, play basketball or something. It will give you an outlet.’

      ‘To be honest, Dad, it’s not that easy…’

      ‘Oh, I know it’s hard, son, we’ve all been there. But you can do it – you just need to practice a little self-control. And don’t allow yourself to get into any sticky situations, keep your distance.’

      So, getting girls’ numbers was definitely out. Back in the day, I wouldn’t have hesitated. Even when I was in a relationship, I was a mega flirt, I had to admit it, and I’d have had that girl’s number so fast, she wouldn’t even have had time to notice the tattoo on my right forearm. She would probably still have been checking out my hair, the stud in my ear, my light eyes.

      Girls always loved my light eyes.

      But that was last year, practically a lifetime ago. Before I realised how short this life is, how something you think belongs to you can be snatched away at a moment’s notice.

      Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un. To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.

      I couldn’t wait to get off that bus.


      When I got home, to our house which still ached with Mum’s absence, I found Dad in the light filled kitchen, his laptop open on the marble tabletop, a cup of cold tea beside it. He was on the phone. He was always on the phone these days. I felt irritation at his extreme attachment to his smartphone and computer. They were his distractions, I felt, his way of avoiding a reality that no longer included his wife of 20 years.

      ‘No, Kareem, I really don’t think so. I mean, I appreciate the gesture but I couldn’t, I just couldn’t…’

      My ears pricked up. It sounded like Dad was talking to his old friend, Kareem Stevens, someone we hadn’t seen in forever. What was he offering him? And why was Dad turning it down?

      Dad turned then and saw me standing there, watching him, and he nodded at me, gesturing for me to wait for his call to finish. Then he turned away from me and went out on to the balcony, the phone jammed against his ear. I went to the fridge and opened it to find the shelves bare aside from a half-finished bottle of milk and a carton of orange juice. Time to do the shopping again. The fridge had never looked this bare when Mum was around. I felt a twist of nostalgia as I thought of the boxes of cream cakes, the covered trays of cubed mango and watermelon, the bowls of spicy tuna salad and leftovers that tasted better than the day they had first been served. Mum hated an empty fridge.

      I took the lonely carton of juice out and poured myself half a glass.

      Through the open French doors, I could hear snatches of Dad’s conversation as he paced up and down the overgrown path through Mum’s herb garden.

      ‘But South London, Kareem? I don’t know whether I’m up to parenting my boys in the inner city… ‘

      What was he on about?

      There was a pause, then I heard Dad sigh. ‘OK, Kareem, OK. I’ll give it a try. It’s not like we have any other options at the moment, anyway.’ It hurt me to hear the defeat in my father’s voice. But then his voice lifted again, strong: ‘Jazakallah khayran, thank you I really appreciate it.’ I could practically hear him pulling himself up by his bootstraps, straightening his shoulders. Dad never was one for self-pity.

      When he came back into the kitchen, I looked into his face and braced myself for unpleasant news.

      ‘Well, son,’ Dad said in a fake, cheerful voice. ‘How’s it going?’

      I raised an eyebrow and looked at him, warily. Whatever it was, it was making him extremely nervous.

      ‘Sit down, Ali.’ He gestured towards the stool by the counter. ‘I’ve got to talk to you about something.’

      I waited to hear the momentous news.

      ‘We’ll be spending the summer in London, inshallah…’

      ‘London? Brilliant!’ My face lit up as I imagined spending the summer in London, as we had done before, shopping on Oxford Street and visiting Tower Bridge, riding on the London Eye. But my face fell when Dad shook his head. And that was when he told me: his business was in trouble, serious trouble, and we needed to do something drastic to keep the house. So that was why we were moving to London for the summer, to rent out our place to another family visiting from abroad.

      ‘I need you to understand, it won’t be a holiday, son. I’ll be working all the hours God sends so I will need you boys to be responsible and to look after yourselves, pretty much.’ Then he smiled hopefully. ‘The good news is that we’ve got somewhere to stay for a few months… just until we get back on our feet and business picks up again and we can come home…’ I saw the look in his eyes: he wanted me to believe him, to trust him to make everything all right, like he had always done. To be a superhero once more.

      You see, when we were little, Dad used to tell us that he was a superhero with secret super powers. Of course, we were always begging him to show us his powers, and he always said that he could never show them to us, but that we would know them when