Practices for Manifesting Wellness
Lune Innate & Araminta Star Matthews
Coral Gables
Copyright © 2019 by Lune Innate & Araminta Star Matthews.
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Crystal Intentions: Practices for Manifesting Wellness
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication number: 2019944423
ISBN: (print) 978-1-63353-999-0, (ebook) 978-1-63353-998-3
BISAC category code: OCC004000—BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Crystals
Printed in the United States of America
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 A Brief History of Crystal Vibrational Healing and Polarity
Chapter 2 What is Vibrational Energy? Crystals, Energy, Vibration, and Healing
Chapter 3 Grounding and Centering to Self-Heal, Reduce Burnout, and Relax
Chapter 4 Vibrations and Intentions to Manifest Wellness
Chapter 5 The Importance of Rituals of Relaxation
Chapter 7 Chakras, Energy Pathways, and Crystals
Chapter 8 Meridians and Energy Points in the Body
Chapter 9 Crystals and the Zodiac
Chapter 10 Stones, Crystals, and Organics: A Primer of Shapes and Types
A Brief History of Crystal Vibrational Healing and Polarity
Long before crystals and gemstones were part of the New Age Healer’s tool kit, they were considered marvels throughout history. They have been mentioned in some way in nearly every religious text from the Hindu Vedas to the Christian Bible, and some archaeologists suggest that the stones themselves were worshipped like gods. A prehistoric dolmen, for example, is a stone or tomb of an honored hero; to early civilizations, dolmens held sacred significance. Stonehenge is thought to have been built of stones not local to the region that were dragged to that location using unknown prehistoric methods for some mysterious purpose. Petroglyphs and cave paintings dating back tens of thousands of years decorate stone surfaces all over the world. People have valued stones for all of recorded history.
Writing is only about ten thousand years old, originating somewhere around ancient Sumer with cuneiform; writings were originally carved into stone surfaces and tablets. That early stone-etched writing detailed our first heroic story, The Epic of Gilgamesh, which itself references stone charms. Later, entire works were devoted to stones and their energetic properties. The Greek historian and philosopher Theophrastus wrote a detailed account of stones around 2,500 years ago, which was later expanded by the historian Pliny the Elder in his work Natural History. These two works describe the essence and correspondences of stones as tools for metaphysical transformation.
The many ancient civilizations that held gemstones in high esteem—the Egyptians with their Lapis Lazuli, the Russians with their Amber, the Turks with their Turquoise, and the Aztecs and the Chinese with their Jade—all demonstrate that stones are as sacred to certain cultures as they are to the people who are drawn to them. And, perhaps because these elements sparkle and shimmer as if they had been planted in the earth and sea by divinity itself, stones have long been thought to resonate with the same divine energy that makes the planet turn.
The same energy that we might use to transform a thought to action is the very same energy that creates all matter—though a thought lasts only a few moments and a crystal takes millions of years to form. Intentions are thoughts, and actions are manifestations of thoughts in the same way crystals are manifestations of the energy of the Earth. The twelfth century Catholic abbess Hildegard von Bingen used crystals for healing based on her belief that rocks had been created by the “Holy Father” before people and therefore were closer to His healing love. Her notion of viriditas, or “greening of the soul,” involved using rocks and herbs to energize the spiritual body and heal it from afflictions of the body, mind, and spirit. These notions would be revisited a few hundred years later with the influx of lapidaries, or books about stones, which were devoted to the religious leaders of their times. Now, these same ideas about the energy of stones and crystals are used to improve our overall sense of wellness by those practicing self-care, as well as by energy and crystal healers around the world.
A common question about the use of crystals for healing or manifestation is simply this: How do they work? Of course, we can easily see their beauty and intrigue for ourselves, and we don’t need any historical references or ancient artifacts to marvel at them. At the very least, a well-placed crystal can add an element of nature’s gorgeousness to our coffee tables. But how might stones serve a purpose beyond just their aesthetic impact? When and why might we turn to crystals to energize or relax ourselves or to invoke our own sense of wellness? How can a gemstone bring peace, love, abundance, or vitality to ourselves or those we might be trying to help? How can we most effectively use them?