Table of Contents
Book Two: The Great Web of Anancy
Book Three: The Queen of the Dark Interval
Book Four: Groundation: The Final Battle
About Black Sheep and Akashic Books
“Are you a Game Changer?”
At 8:23 a.m., Dylan spied Emma coming up to him at his locker. He looked around but there was no place to hide. Winston Macintosh Middle School was filled with yawning kids trudging grudgingly down the grungy hallways to their boring morning classes. Emma was Dylan’s little sister, but she wasn’t so little—she was almost the same height as him, and he was one of the tallest kids in sixth grade. She was also really smart, so even though she was three years younger, she had skipped up to Dylan’s grade, and he found this so embarrassing he tried never to be spotted with her on school grounds. But now here she was, standing right next to him for all his friends to see. Not that he had that many friends.
Dylan tied back his dreadlocks and tried to act cool. “What do you want?”
As usual, Dylan and Emma were dressed like they were from two different families, maybe even different planets. Dylan was wearing ripped black jeans, skater sneakers he had bought used online, and a T-shirt with the name of a band that had broken up before he was even born. Emma had on a school uniform—blue blazer, white knee socks, and a black skirt—which was weirder than you might think because Winston Macintosh was a public school that didn’t have uniforms. They barely had classrooms.
Emma leaned in so close her braids brushed Dylan’s ears. “Are you a Game Changer?”
“Why are you asking?”
“Chad Worthington is telling people that if you are, he’s gonna beat the snot out of you.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Dylan replied, although he did not, in fact, know that.
“He told Anjali he’s gonna turn you upside down and mop the cafeteria with your dreads.”
“You’re not scared or anything? Want me to walk with you to language