100-Day Leaders. Robert Eaker. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert Eaker
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781949539264
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      100-DAY LEADERS

      Turning Short-Term Wins Into Long-Term Success in Schools



      Copyright © 2019 by Solution Tree Press

      Materials appearing here are copyrighted. With one exception, all rights are reserved. Readers may reproduce only those pages marked “Reproducible.” Otherwise, no part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission of the publisher.

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      Printed in the United States of America

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Names: Eaker, Robert E., author. | Reeves, Douglas B., 1953- author.

      Title: 100-day leaders : turning short-term wins into long-term success in schools / Robert Eaker and Douglas Reeves.

      Description: Bloomington, IN : Solution Tree Press, [2019] | Includes bibliographical references and index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2018060840 | ISBN 9781949539257 (perfect bound)

      Subjects: LCSH: Educational leadership--United States. | Educational change--United States.

      Classification: LCC LB2805 .E1995 2019 | DDC 371.2--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018060840

       Solution Tree

      Jeffrey C. Jones, CEO

      Edmund M. Ackerman, President

       Solution Tree Press

      President and Publisher: Douglas M. Rife

      Associate Publisher: Sarah Payne-Mills

      Art Director: Rian Anderson

      Managing Production Editor: Kendra Slayton

      Senior Production Editor: Suzanne Kraszewski

      Content Development Specialist: Amy Rubenstein

      Copy Editor: Jessi Finn

      Proofreader: Evie Madsen

      Text and Cover Designer: Abigail Bowen

      Editorial Assistant: Sarah Ludwig

       For Rick and Becky

      This book is dedicated to my dear friend

      Douglas Rife. Douglas has not only

      enhanced the quality of my professional

      life, he has been an unwavering

      supporter and friend.

      —Bob Eaker


      Although writing can be a solitary endeavor, publishing a book is a team effort. I am indebted to the team at Solution Tree Press for their collaboration and support. In particular, Suzanne Kraszewski helped shepherd this book from concept to reality. Douglas Rife and Jeff Jones have been the best of partners and friends. Michael Fullan publishes, by my rough count, a book after every meal, and yet found the time to write a very gracious foreword for this one. He is a model colleague and great friend. Bob Eaker is an inspiration to me and to educators and leaders around the world. His gentle wit, compassion, and commitment to education represent the best of our profession.

      —Douglas Reeves

      For twenty years, Jeff Jones has been a personal friend and a constant source of encouragement and caring. This book, as well as so many of my other projects, simply would not have happened without Jeff’s constant support. And, this particular book would not have become a reality without the friendship and intellectual insights of Doug Reeves. Doug represents the best our profession has to offer, and his friendship and initiative with this book is very much appreciated.

      —Robert Eaker

      Solution Tree Press would like to thank the following reviewers:

      Rob Bueche

      Executive Director of Federal Programs and School Innovation

      Humboldt Unified School District

      Prescott Valley, Arizona

      Bill Hall

      Solution Tree Associate

      Melbourne, Florida

      Molly Large


      Edwin Rhodes Elementary School

      Chino, California

      Bruce Preston

      Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Personnel

      Howell Township Public Schools

      Howell, New Jersey

      Bo Ryan


      Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts Middle School

      Hartford, Connecticut

      Kim Timmerman


      Adel Desoto Minburn Middle School

      Adel, Iowa

      Suzan Watkins


      Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School

      Macon, Georgia

      Steven Weber

      Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning

      Fayetteville Public Schools

      Fayetteville, Arkansas


      Reproducibles are in italics.

       About the Authors



       Why One Hundred Days?

       Part 1: Exploring 100-Day Leadership

       The Moral Imperative
