Coaching for Significant and Sustained Change in the Classroom. Tom Roy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tom Roy
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781943360161
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       Coaching for


      & Sustained


       in the Classroom

      TOM ROY

      Copyright © 2019 by Marzano Resources

      Materials appearing here are copyrighted. With one exception, all rights are reserved. Readers may reproduce only those pages marked “Reproducible.” Otherwise, no part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission of the publisher and the authors.

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      Printed in the United States of America

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2018965103

      ISBN: 978-1-943360-15-4

      Associate Publisher: Sarah Payne-Mills

      Art Director: Rian Anderson

      Managing Production Editor: Kendra Slayton

      Production Editor: Laurel Hecker

      Content Development Specialist: Amy Rubenstein

      Proofreader: Kate St. Ives

      Text and Cover Designer: Jill Resh

      Editorial Assistant: Sarah Ludwig

      This book is dedicated to my wonderful wife, Ann Hetzel Roy. Already a superintendent when we met, I was astounded when I first visited her classroom. Her preschool children were full of life and learning in this special education setting. As she grew through her career to become a Director of Student Services, well regarded by her peers, she dragged me along with her, teaching me about the gift each student is and providing a clear picture of how to care for every single one. Any expertise that I might aspire to belongs to her, and it is to her that this book is dedicated.


      Though their names appear on the copyright page, the author would like to acknowledge Laurel Hecker and Amy Rubenstein who, as editors, provided prodigious support in making this writing readable and complete.

      Solution Tree Press would like to thank the following reviewers:

Carolyna Aparici Chavez Concetta Rebecca
Professional Learning Coach Instructional Coach
Sundance Elementary School Oliver McCracken Middle School
Los Lunas, New Mexico Skokie, Illinois
Becky Mathison
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Skokie School District 73.5
Skokie, Illinois

      Visit to download the free reproducibles in this book.

       Table of Contents

       About the Author


       How to Use This Book

       CHAPTER 1

       Coaching and Change in Education

       Change Is a Constant in Education

       Changes in Instructional Practices Are Needed

       Change Is Hard

       Coaching Is the Solution

       What Coaching Looks Like

       Model of Instruction

       Universal Coaching

       The Coaching Cycle


       CHAPTER 2

       The Coaching Cycle

       Establishing a Baseline


       Teacher Reflection

       Teacher Evaluation Documents

       Student Data

       Setting a Goal

       Selecting a Focus

       Defining the Desired Behavior

       Setting a Time Frame



       Assessing and Celebrating Growth

       Teacher Evidence

       Student Evidence



       CHAPTER 3

       Methods and Techniques

       Observational Methods