How to MAXIMIZE Student Engagement
Marie ALCOCK Michael FISHER Allison ZMUDA
foreword by Heidi Hayes Jacobs
Copyright © 2018 by Solution Tree Press
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Alcock, Marie, author. | Fisher, Michael L., author. | Zmuda, Allison, author.
Title: The quest for learning : how to maximize student engagement / Marie Alcock, Michael Fisher, and Allison Zmuda.
Description: Bloomington, IN : Solution Tree Press, [2018] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017015293 | ISBN 9781942496908 (perfect bound)
Subjects: LCSH: Inquiry-based learning. | Individualized instruction. | Effective teaching. | Engagement (Philosophy)
Classification: LCC LB1027.23 .A56 2018 | DDC 370.15/23--dc23 LC record available at
Solution Tree
Jeffrey C. Jones, CEO
Edmund M. Ackerman, President
Solution Tree Press
President and Publisher: Douglas M. Rife
Editorial Director: Sarah Payne-Mills
Art Director: Rian Anderson
Managing Production Editor: Caroline Cascio
Senior Production Editor: Tonya Maddox Cupp
Senior Editor: Amy Rubenstein
Copy Editors: Miranda Addonizio and Ashante K. Thomas
Proofreader: Jessi Finn
Text and Cover Designer: Laura Cox
Editorial Assistants: Jessi Finn and Kendra Slayton
To our professional parents—Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Bena Kallick, Jay McTighe, and Grant Wiggins. Your expertise, love, and collaboration have left an indelible impression on who we are and continue to inspire our pedagogical quests. There is no better affinity space to be a part of, and we humbly thank you.
The Quest for Learning: How to Maximize Student Engagement is the product of a journey we began when we realized we shared a deep dedication to the joy in learning, the learners themselves, and the art of teaching. The quest we went on together had moments of magic, hydra heads, and heroism. We now have a fellowship forged by the unbreakable bonds of writing together, learning together, and questing together. It has been the greatest honor and privilege to travel as a company of colleagues and friends.
To the greatest heroes we know—our families. Thank you.
From Marie, to my family, Jim, Garret, Colin, and Isabelle. Your love and support for me through my learning and writing make any and all of this possible. My deepest gratitude and love are yours.
From Michael, to my family, Liz, Lily, and Charlotte. Thank you once again for allowing me to indulge my interests and supporting me as I spend nights, early mornings, and weekends writing. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “I’ll be off the computer in five minutes!”
From Allison, to my family, Tom, Zoe, and Cuda. I appreciate your patience with me during the writing process as well as your coaching me through multiple new games. Thank you for your love and support.
There were other heroes along the way. In particular, we want to thank the multitude of people who read bits and snippets of this text and provided feedback, namely Bena Kallick, Jay McTighe, and Jesse Schell. Thank you to those who allowed us to try ideas out in their districts. We are especially thankful to Kathy Schuessler, Sheila Murphy, Mickey Edwards, Evelyn Russo, Maureen Ruby, Andrea Meiers, Susan von Felten, Dana Watts, Linda Anderson, Don Drake, Suanne Forrester, Arcia Dorosti, Paul Negrete, Carol Campbell, Izett Thomas, Davenia Lea, Catherine Addor, and Brian Durst.
We are deeply grateful to Heidi Hayes Jacobs for her gracious and insightful foreword. As a thought leader in the areas of curriculum development and contemporary schools, she continues to inspire us and our entire profession.
Thank you to our editors, Tonya Maddox Cupp and Rayna Penning, for their insight, patience, and support. They both worked shoulder to shoulder with us to make this book happen. We are grateful to Douglas M. Rife for the opportunity to work together. Finally, to the learners who allowed us and continue inviting us to join them on their quests for learning—thank you.
Solution Tree Press would like to thank the following reviewers:
Dave Bircher
Wolseley High School
Wolseley, Saskatchewan
Brian Disney
Mooresville High School
Mooresville, Indiana
Steve Johnson
Highland Elementary School
Elgin, Illinois
Saul Laredo
Dooley Elementary School
Plano, Texas
Karen Moore
Director of 21st Century Curriculum
Orange Schools
Pepper Pike, Ohio
Tamera Steenhoek
PK–12 Literacy Coordinator
Southeast Polk Community School District
Pleasant Hill, Iowa
Beth Woof
Sherwood Secondary School
Hamilton, Ontario