Solutions for Modern Learning
Gearing Upfor LearningBeyond K–12
Bryan Alexander
Copyright © 2016 by Solution Tree Press
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ISBN: 978-1-942496-35-9 (perfect bound)
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Will Richardson was the inspiration for this book, taking the initiative to bring it and the others in the Solutions for Modern Learning series into being. He wrangled the series with grace and aplomb, while answering my many odd email queries and bringing patience to this text.
Thank you to the local public schools, which have been enormously helpful in my research. School board colleagues for the town of Ripton and the Addison County Supervisory Union, high school and elementary school teachers, administrators, support staff, parents, students, and community members have enriched this book through their reflections and generous conversations. As our state of Vermont faces major educational upheaval, your collective strength, vision, and wisdom has been an inspiration.
To my social web, I owe great and ongoing thanks. Thoughtful readers of my blog have contributed constructive comments on- and offline to posts pushing at many of this book’s topics. Members of the Association of Professional Futurists challenged and inspired me. Audiences on several continents endured presentations of much of this material and graciously gave feedback.
Future Trends in Technology and Education subscribers have read and shared the monthly FTTE report very generously. They have also informed me every month, suggesting news stories, topics, and interpretations. You are superb, kind FTTE friends.
My wife and two children have each journeyed with me in the course of making this book. Ceredwyn created and co-taught an innovative flipped classroom for emergency services instruction, quietly revolutionizing that field. Gwynneth, our eldest child, has taken classes at two very different institutions and kindly answered my ruthless barrage of questions about her experiences. Owain, our youngest, has been working through high school and similarly bore up under my inquisition. To all three of you I owe not only gratitude, but my entire heart.
Table of Contents
Revising Our Understanding of Higher Education
Imagining the Future of Higher Education
Chapter 1: After the Technological Tsunami
Our Dynamic Digital Landscape
New Learning From New Technologies
The Wake of New Technologies and Practices
Chapter 2: The World and the Campus
Changing Policies, Changing Campuses
Forces Driving Peaks and Bubbles in Higher Education
Families and Campuses Scale the Peak
Higher Education After Its Peak
Chapter 4: College After Campuses
Informal Learning
Online Learning
Open Education
New Forms of Online Learning
Hands-On Learning
Chapter 5: Campus of the Future
Preparing for Learning After High School
Making Choices About Higher Education and Other Pathways
Skills for Learning Beyond K–12
Considerations for Adult Learners
Building Capacity for New Forms of Learning
Schooling in the New Gilded Age
Overcoming Educational Segregation
Guiding Social and Technological Transformation
The Traditional Campus