Stirring the Waters
Writing too Find Your Spirit
Janell Moon
This edition published in 2001 by Journey Editions, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd., with editorial offices at 364 Innovation Drive, North Clarendon, VT 05759 U.S.A.
Copyright © 2001 by Janell Moon
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from Journey Editions.
Cover illustration by Jim Zaccaria
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Moon, Janell.
Stirring the waters : writing to find your spirit / Janell Moon.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 1-58290-011-6 (pbk.); 978-1-4629-1818-8 (ebook)
1. Spiritual journals--Authorship. 2. Spiritual life. 3. Devotional calendars. I. Title.
BL628.5 .M66 2001 | |
291.4’46--dc21 | 00-067136 |
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To Suzanne Schmidt, who traveled the way with me.
I wish to acknowledge the caring people in my life who helped hold the vision for me as I wrote this book: Gregory Szydlowski, Wendy Schuller-Szydlowski, Jan Alice Pfau, Bonnie Marlzak, C. B. Follett, Claire Wolf Krantz, Françoise Case, Sherrill Crawford, Celeste West, Patrick Arbore, and Luke Kronenberg. I appreciate the Alanon crones group in San Francisco for helping me become my age and the Metropolitan Community Church for being there.
A special thank-you to my mother, Eileen Mains Pfau, who held me in her heart as I wrote and to the memory of my father, Emert, for believing there was something more. And heartfelt love to Lonnie Hull DuPont for being the talent that she is and believing in mine. The editorial guidance of Jan Johnson was a gift that made this happen, and thanks also go to Caroline Pincus, “the great shaper.” To the wise woman on my shoulder, “Rest now, we did it.”
Introduction: The Hand of Promise
Week 1: The Big Picture
Awareness of Connection
Day 1: Wondering
Day 2: Hope Holds the Opportunity
Day 3: Faith Makes It Possible
Day 4: Sense of Place
Day 5: Patience
Day 6: Grace
Day 7: Rewarding Yourself—Gift in Public Places
Week 2: The Heart That Embraces
Day 1: Loss
Day 2: Anger
Day 3: Ourselves as We Are
Day 4: Differences Between Us
Day 5: Life as It Is
Day 6: Welcome Change
Day 7: Rewarding Yourself—Spreading Roots
Week 3: Taming the “Roughs” at the Door
Letting Go of Control
Day 1: Releasing Others’ Control Over Us
Day 2: Stopping the Internal Judge
Day 3: Interrupting the Need to Control Others
Day 4: Letting Go of Negativity
Day 5: Accepting and Reaching for Support
Day 6: Surrender
Day 7: Rewarding Yourself—Flowing with the Water
Week 4: The Full River
Trusting Our Knowledge
Day 1: Receiving Knowledge Through Our Emotions
Day 2: Body Sensations and Intuition
Day 3: Releasing Overwhelm
Day 4: Developing Clarity
Day 5: Standing Up for What We Believe
Day 6: Finding Balance
Day 7: Rewarding Yourself—The Spirit Grows
Week 5: The Self Reborn
Sense of Self
Day 1: Beyond Image
Day 2: Changing Identification
Day 3: Self-esteem
Day 4: Boundaries
Day 5: Honesty
Day 6: Prayer
Day 7: Rewarding Yourself—Movement Comes
Week 6: Loving the Muse That Takes Us Home