English Made Easy Volume One: British Edition. Jonathan Crichton. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jonathan Crichton
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462918492
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       UNIT 1: What’s your name?


      • Identifying people by name

      • Talking about ownership


      • Possessive adjectives

      • Negation

      • Simple present


      • Common objects

      • Family relationships

       UNIT 2: That’d be great!


      • Giving, accepting and declining invitations


      • Personal pronouns

      • Imperatives

      • Present continuous


      • Places to visit

      • Events

       UNIT 3: I’d like you to meet my accountant.


      • Introducing people


      • Demonstratives


      • Jobs

      • Social relationships

       UNIT 4: It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?


      • Starting conversations


      • Question tags

      • Possessive pronouns


      • Descriptions

       UNIT 5: Revision and extension.

       UNIT 6: Would you like something to drink?


      • Making, accepting and declining offers


      • Count/uncount nouns

      • Open questions


      • Food and drink

      • Numbers 1-10

       UNIT 7: He’s a tour guide.


      • Talking about occupations

      • Asking for clarification


      • Simple past


      • Occupations

       UNIT 8: I’m going to New York.


      • Asking about price

      • Talking about travel


      • Present perfect

      • Duration


      • Days and months

      • Money

      • Numbers 11-20

      • Transport

       UNIT 9: This one is better.


      • Asking for and giving opinions

      • Agreeing and disagreeing


      • Comparatives and superlatives


      • Food

       UNIT 10: Revision and extension.

       UNIT 11: What’s the matter?


      • Greetings and farewells

      • Talking about health


      • Obligation


      • Parts of the body

      • Common ailments

       UNIT 12: I live in the big house.


      • Talking about addresses and locations


      • Future with will

      • Spatial prepositions


      • Locators

      • Numbers over 20

       UNIT 13: How much is this purse?


      • Buying goods and services

      • Inquiring about health


      • Some/any

      • Necessity


      • Common containers

      • Musical instruments

      • Rooms

       UNIT 14: It’s the second street on the left.


      • Asking for and giving directions


      • Open questions

      • Directional prepositions


      • Common institutions

      • Colours

      • Ordinal numbers

       UNIT 15: Revision and extension.

       UNIT 16: She bought a cake.


      • Talking about the past


      • Simple past

      • Regular and irregular verbs

      • Present continuous
