Incredible as it might seem, Hawaii is like a gigantic raft, drifting slowly with the centuries. According to the latest theory, the vast Pacific plate on which Hawaii sits glides over the earth’s semi-fluid under-crust, and as this plate passes over a hot lava vent, new islands are formed. The upper end of this giant plate moves under Japan and other parts of Asia, causing recurrent earthquakes.
(continued on inside back cover)
Cover design by Ray Lanterman
Incredible Hawaii
For Continental Europe:
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104-108 Sussex Street, Sydney 2000
Published by the Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. of Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo, Japan
with editorial offices at
Osaki Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032
© 1974 by Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 74-77226
International Standard Book No. 978-1-4629-0450-1 (ebook)
First printing, 1974
Ninth printing, 1986
Printed in Japan
1 A Hawaiian story of creation
2 Hawaiian origins and navigational skills
4 The demi-god who fished up islands
6 The little people of the night
9 The humuhumunukunukuapua’a and other fish
10 The king of beasts in old Hawaii
11 Banana, breadfruit and pandanus
12 Poi: the Hawaiian staff of life
13 Cocus nucifera: the tree of life
15 Temples and shrines of Hawaii
16 Waikiki and its kahuna stones
17 Black magic arts of the old kahuna
19 The tattooists’ art in old Hawaii
20 Games and leisure in old Hawaii
24 Abolition of sex discrimination
25 A challenge to the Fire Goddess Pele
27 Featherwork of ruling chiefs