Princess Elizabeth serving in the Auxiliary Transport Service in World War II.
Arthur Bousfield & Garry Toffoli
Copyright ® Arthur Bousfield and Garry Toffoli 2002
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise (except for brief passages for purposes of review) without the prior written permission of Dundurn Press Limited. Permission to photocopy should be requested from the Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency.
Publisher: J. Kirk Howard
Design: Heidy Lawrance Associates
Printer: Transcontinental Printing Inc.
Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data
Bousfield, Arthur, 1943–
Fifty years the queen: a tribute to the Queen on her golden jubilee
ISBN 1-55002-360-8
1. Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain, 1926—Anniversaries, etc. 2. Queens—Great Britain—Biography. I. Toffoli, Garry, 1953–
II. Title.
DA590.B68 2002 C2002-902189-5 941.085’092
1 2 3 4 5 06 05 04 03 02
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In the writing of Fifty Years The Queen, the authors owe a great debt of gratitude to Kirk Howard, Chairman, and the other Trustees of the Canadian Royal Heritage Trust/Fonds du patrimoine royal du Canada for allowing them full access to the Trust’s important collection of books, pictures, newspapers, scrap books and manuscripts (in particular the Rhea and Ron Anger, M. Ida New and Carl L. Shain collections) and for permitting them to reproduce many items from it. Several volunteer members of the Trust staff also generously assisted them in their work. They would in particular like to acknowledge the help of Claudia Willetts, Trust Librarian; Helen McNeil, Trust Archivist; Charles W. Clark; H. Kent Jackson; Barbara Kemp; Jane Wachna; and W. Mackenzie Youngs. Assistance of the staff of Monarchy Canada Magazine is also gratefully recorded.
Permission to use the official Golden Jubilee emblem was graciously given by the Golden Jubilee Office.
As with their previous books, the authors received much help from Richard Toporoski of the University of St Michael’s College in matters constitutional, historical and social. Dr Toporoski also allowed them to use some of his pictures. A similar debt is owed to Lisa Mitchell who placed her collection of commemoratives of the Queen at their disposal, photographed the items from it that they chose to use as well as other pieces and assisted them with her extensive knowledge of this field. She also allowed them to use her own pictures of royal tours and royal occasions. For this expenditure of time and effort they are truly grateful.
The authors also wish to thank: John L. Aimers, Dominion Chairman and Founder of The Monarchist League of Canada, for permitting them to reproduce Her Majesty The Queen’s approval of the drawing of the League’s arms and for other help; Rev’d Harold Logan for supplying a difficult to obtain photograph; Alan Ho, Manager of Motophoto at 2674 Yonge Street, Toronto, for his careful processing of numerous rolls of film; Gordon Schmidt of Hanover for giving permission to reproduce the unique painting of the 1957 opening of Parliament by the Queen which is on loan to the Canadian Royal Heritage Museum at the Diefenbaker Birthplace in Neustadt, Ontario; and H. Kent Jackson for the loan of items from his collection of royal memorabilia.
Illustration Credits
Many of the historical, copyright-expired illustrations and some contemporary illustrations are came from the collection of the Canadian Royal Heritage Trust. The credits for other illustrations are as follows:
Associated Press: 132
Australian High Commission for Canada: 153, 154, 179
Australians for Constitutional Monarchy: 217
Lynne Bell: (Monarchy Canada photographer): 168 (top right & bottom right), 169 (bottom left), 170 (bottom left), 190, 196 (top right)
Arthur Bousfield: (Monarchy Canada photographer): 40 (bottom), 41, 42, 60, 68 (bottom right), 96 (top left), 96 (bottom left), 97 (middle right), 98 (top left), 114 (top left), 161 (top), 170 (right), 195 (bottom left)
Daphne Bousfield: 97 (bottom right)
British Columbia Government: B. Novak: 180, 181 (top)
British Information Services: 69 (top right), 125, 130, 149, 151, 155, 158, 196 (top left)
Natalie Bullen (Monarchy Canada photographer): 137 (left), 169 (top left)
Canadian Chancellery: 146 (bottom left & centre), 147 (top left & centre)
Canadian Heritage: 95 (top right), 119 (right), 146 (top), 165, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231
Canadian Heritage-Victor Pilon: 148 (bottom left), 188, 189 (top & bottom)
Canadian Press: 48 (top right & bottom right), 210
Clara Cirasella (Monarchy Canada photographer), 184 (bottom), 195 (bottom right)
Communicate New Zealand: 29 (top right)
Department of National Defence of Canada: 29 (bottom left), 52 (bottom right), 53 (top, middle right), 86, 146 (bottom right), 147 (top right & bottom left)
Derrick Ditchburn: 206
Federal Newsphotos of Canada: 83, 110 (bottom), 115
Jayne Fincher: 213