A Quest for Healing – A Story of Love - EBOOK. Wendy Carol Abelson RNCP, ROHP. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Wendy Carol Abelson RNCP, ROHP
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780987866233
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       Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data

      Abelson, Wendy Carol RNCP,

       A Quest for Healing - A Story of Love®

      Includes table of contents.

      Copyright Registration 1071555

      ISBN-13 - Hardcopy 978-0-9878662-2-6

      ISBN-13 - E-Copy 978-0-9878662-3-3

      First Printing: 2012, Rowan Tree Books Ltd. Printed in Canada 10987654321

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      A Quest for Healing:© Copyright Canada #1071555, 2011 by Wendy Carol Abelson.

      #70622167© - Copyright-Tischenko Irina, 2012. Used under license from Shutterstock.com.

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      Production and Editing: Kamali Abelson

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      Cover artwork by: Lavanya Balasubramaniyam

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      This is a journal of my quest for healing.

      It began with a search outside of myself for answers.

      It is the story of my return Home to the place inside us all,

      where Love, Light, and Healing are found...

      This book is dedicated to:

      Michael, my dearest friend, confidant, and companion.

      May he live forever in my heart.

      May his life always be filled with

      Love and Joy!

      I also dedicate a special thank you to:

      Mom, Dad, Brian, Kamali, Betty, Lee, Stephanie, Sherry, Alastair, Sean, Andre, Jaki, Chris, Rod, Roberta, Erna, Carol, Matthew, Hans, Caroline, Linda, Beata, Colin, Chloe, Leonard, The Quaker’s, Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Unity, dialysis clinic staff, Sai Baba, Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, and the many others who havehelped me along the way. Your beautiful souls have much light to offer this world. Keep shining brightly!

      This book is devoted to all my readers. With Love,

      Wendy C. Abelson, RNCP & ROHP

      Thoughts on Sai Baba

      There is much conflicting information in our world about Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This book is not written to determine whether he is right or wrong, “good” or “bad.” It is written to share the Divine experiences that unfolded during my quest for healing. Godly teachers go by many names: Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Baba, St. Germain, Ramtha, Archangel Michael, Keimsan, Mother Mary etcetera. Many people worship these teachers and forget the message that they portray. It is the focus of their wisdom and teachings that is shared in this book. As is written in A Course in Miracles, “teach only love, for that is what you are.”

      Getting to Know Wendy

      Wendy Abelson RNCP and ROHP is a registered practitioner with the International Organization of Nutritional Consultants. Wendy spent much of her life looking for answers to health, and because of this she discovered a wealth of knowledge in this area. After a stroke, the medical community thought she would not speak again. With gangrene, things did not look good for her foot. Wendy is living proof that anything is possible with Love, determination and faith.

      One of her favorite nutritional authors, David Rowland Ph.D., indicates that ‘Food Alone is Not Enough’. It was when Wendy focused on mind, body, and spirit that she rediscovered the meaning of wellness. Dietary factors are significant, but there is a necessary balance with thought, exercise, and happiness.

      This is a story based on Wendy’s life. Names have been changed in order to protect identities, but the story itself is truth. The process of writing this book took more than twenty-two years to unfold. The author hopes that this book will show you how to fill your days with magic and laughter. This is a story about miracles and the rekindling of hope....

      She Believes in Magic

      Dr. Andre Pickersgill,

      MD July 8, 2003

      I have known Wendy for over ten years, as a doctor and as a friend. When modern medicine had little to offer her, she showed courage and strength beyond expectation. She achieved significant, verifiable improvements in her medical condition through diet, supplements, and faith. She has taught me much about respecting patient autonomy, and I have learned to expand my reality, and experience life more fully. Reading this book has provided a fascinating glimpse of the spirit inside this person dealing with more than her share of challenges. Revealed are the pain, despair, love and joy which make Wendy more real than most people I know. And the best part is...she believes in magic.