The Bridge of Gods (Western Classic). Frederic Homer Balch. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Frederic Homer Balch
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027220649
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      Frederic Homer Balch

      The Bridge of Gods

      (Western Classic)

      A Tragic Love Story Set in the Beautiful Indian Oregon in the midst of the Native American Fight for Survival

      Published by


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      2017 OK Publishing

      ISBN 978-80-272-2064-9

      Table of Contents


       Book I. The Apostle to the Indians

       Chapter I. The New England Meeting

       Chapter II. The Minister’s Home

       Chapter III. A Darkened Fireside

       Chapter IV. The Council of Ordination

       Chapter V. Into Trackless Wilds

       Book II. The Opening of the Drama

       Chapter I. Shall the Great Council be Held?

       Chapter II. The War-Chief and the Seer

       Chapter III. Wallulah

       Chapter IV. Sending Out the Runners

       Book III. The Gathering of the Tribes

       Chapter I. The Broken Peace-Pipe

       Chapter II. On the Way to the Council

       Chapter III. The Great Camp on the Island

       Chapter IV. An Indian Trial

       Chapter V. Sentenced to the Wolf-Death

       Book IV. The Love Tale

       Chapter I. The Indian Town

       Chapter II. The White Woman in the Wood

       Chapter III. Cecil and the War-Chief

       Chapter IV. Archery and Gambling

       Chapter V. A Dead Queen’s Jewels

       Chapter VI. The Twilight Tale

       Chapter VII. Orator Against Orator

       Chapter VIII. In the Dark

       Chapter IX. Questioning the Dead

       Book V. The Shadow of the End

       Chapter I. The Hand of the Great Spirit

       Chapter II. The Marriage and the Breaking Up

       Chapter III. At the Cascades

       Chapter IV. Multnomah’s Death-Canoe

       Chapter V. As was Writ in the Book of Fate


       Table of Contents

      In attempting to present with romantic setting a truthful and realistic picture of the powerful and picturesque Indian tribes that inhabited the Oregon country two centuries ago, the author could not be indifferent to the many serious difficulties inseparable from such an enterprise. Of the literary success with which his work has been accomplished, he must of course leave others to judge; but he may without immodesty speak briefly of his preparation for his task, and of the foundation of some of the facts and legends which form the framework of his story. Indian life and character have long been a favorite study with him, and in these pages he has attempted to describe them, not from an ideal standpoint, but as he knew them in his own boyhood on the Upper Columbia. Many of the incidents related in the story have come under his personal observation; others have been told him by aged pioneers, or gleaned from old books of Northwestern travel. The every-day life of the Indians, their food, their dress, their methods of making their mats, of building their houses, of shaping their canoes, their gambling games, their religious beliefs, their legends, their subjects of conversation, the sports and pastimes of their children,—all these have been studied at first hand, and with the advantages of familiar and friendly intercourse with these people in their own homes. By constant questioning, many facts have been gained regarding their ancestry, and the fragments of history, tradition, and legend that have come down from them. Indian antiquities have been studied through every available source of information. All the antiquarian collections in Oregon and California have been consulted, old trading-posts visited, and old pioneers and early missionaries conversed with. Nothing has been discarded as trivial or insignificant that could aid in the slightest degree in affording an insight into Indian character and customs of a by-gone age.