The Power of Oneself. Charles Fillmore. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Charles Fillmore
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Общая психология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066051532
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       Charles Fillmore

      The Power of Oneself

      The Twelve Powers of Man, Prosperity, Christian Healing, Jesus Christ Heals, Mysteries of John, Atom-Smashing Power of Mind

      Published by


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      2019 OK Publishing

      EAN 4064066051532

      Table of Contents

       Christian Healing

       The Twelve Powers of Man


       Jesus Christ Heals

       Mysteries of John

       Atom-Smashing Power of Mind

       The Revealing Word

      Christian Healing

       Table of Contents


       Lesson One: The True Character of Being

       Lesson Two: Being's Perfect Idea

       Lesson Three: Manifestation

       Lesson Four: The Formative Power of Thought

       Lesson Five: How To Control Thought

       Lesson Six: The Word

       Lesson Seven: Spirituality or Prayer and Praise

       Lesson Eight: Faith

       Lesson Nine: Imagination

       Lesson Ten: Will and Understanding

       Lesson Eleven:Judgment and Justice

       Lesson Twelve:Love

       Study Helps and Questions


       Table of Contents

      These are not simply lectures; they are, rather, lessons. They are not merely to be read; they are to be studied and applied as one studies and applies mathematical rules.

      When the text suggests that the reader "hold a thought," or affirm or deny a certain proposition, the student should stop reading, and both audibly and mentally do as bidden. This will set up new thought currents in mind and body, and will make way for the spiritual illumination that will follow in all who are faithful to these instructions.

      The statements following each lesson should be used for mental discipline. Write these statements down and apply them daily while studying the lesson to which they correspond. Anyone can do spiritual healing who will use the simple rules of denial and affirmation here set forth. If you wish to heal another, hold him in mind and mentally repeat the denials and affirmations; this will raise your consciousness to spiritual reality, where all healing power originates. If you wish to heal yourself, talk to your mind and body as you would talk to a patient

      Lesson One

      The True Character of Being

       Table of Contents

      1. "There is a spirit in man, and the breath of the Almighty giveth them understanding." The science that is here set forth is founded upon Spirit. It does not always conform to intellectual standards, but it is, nevertheless, scientific. The facts of Spirit are of a spiritual character and, when understood in their right relation, they are orderly. Orderliness is law, and is the test of true science.

      2. The lawful truths of Spirit are more scientific than the constantly shifting opinions based on intellectual standards. The only real science is the science of Spirit. It never changes. It is universally accepted by all who are in Spirit, but one must be "in the Spirit" before one can understand this science of Spirit. The mind of Spirit must become active in those who would grasp the orderly science of Being that these lessons proclaim.

      3. It is not absolutely necessary that the spiritual part of man's nature be active at the beginning of his study of this science. The primal object of the lessons is to quicken the spiritual realm of consciousness and to bring about the "breath of the Almighty" that gives understanding.

      4. So let it be understood that we are teaching the science of Spirit, and that those who are receptive to the teaching will be inspired to spiritual consciousness. It is not difficult to accomplish, this receiving the "breath" or inspiration of Spirit. We all are inspired by Spirit, in certain states of consciousness. Understanding of the laws governing the realm of Spirit will make it possible to attain this consciousness and to receive this inspiration whenever requirements are met.

      5. The starting point in spiritual realization is a right understanding of that One designated as the Almighty. It is strictly logical and scientific to assume that man comes forth from this One, who is named variously, but who, all agree, is the origin of everything. Since man is the offspring of the Almighty, he must have the character of his Parent. If the earthly child resembles his parents, how much more should the heavenly child resemble his Parent. The truth that God is the Father of man does away with the oft proclaimed presumption that it is impossible for the finite to understand the Infinite. God must be in His universe as everywhere intelligent power; otherwise, it would fall to pieces. God is in the universe as its constant "breath" or inspiration; hence it is only necessary to find the point of contact in order to understand the One in whom we all "live, and move, and have our being."

      6. A sense of logic is a fundamental constituent of man's