Trilogy of Dhana and the Earth. Book one. End of the world. Andrey Prudkovskii. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Andrey Prudkovskii
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Историческая фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005060792
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rilogy of Dhana and the Earth

      Book one. End of the world

      Andrey Prudkovskii

      Illustrator Mark Ibschman

      Cover designer Mark Ibschman

      © Andrey Prudkovskii, 2019

      ISBN 978-5-0050-6079-2 (т. 1)

      ISBN 978-5-0050-6080-8

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      The novel was conceived by me in the eighties of the last century. Even then, I drew an attention to the fact that the main conflicts on which the plots of most novels are based are connected with aperson’s desire for the inappropriate: for unearned money, fame, power, pleasure and women. So it occurred to me to write a novel based on conflicts of a different kind. Let the majority of the characters in my novel strive for the happiness of mankind. And let the conflict be connected only with a different understanding of this happiness and the paths to it.

      I compiled an approximate list of the main characters of my first book, granted them powers and superpowers, settled them in mythical countries on our Earth, so that they could lead humanity to a bright future! To my surprise, in spite of benevolent intentions, they organized an all-planet massacre and as a result, giving up the power to aliens, but it’s good that it was not to the full extent. Just so my first book with the title “End of the World” appeared.

      Somehow coping with all the problems, I left my heroes for a thousand years. During this time, under the control of aliens, the problems of my heroes didn’t decrease, and the other way around a lot of new ones appeared. And then the reptilians got into a game. For many thousands of years they have been hiding in caves underground. The second book was called “War with the Reptilians”.

      After the win over the reptilians, I wanted to finish my novel already. But looking into the future of the Earth after thousand years, I saw a very sad picture. Something was again quite out of order. It will be necessary to fight again! But with whom? It seems that life on the Earth was established, and there was simply no evident enemy. Thus was written the third book of the novel, called “The Invisible Enemy”.

      The action of the trilogy takes place not only on the Earth, but also on other planets of the nearest cosmos: inhabited “Dhana”, “Rable”, and as yet uninhabited “Dark”, not far from which functions an alien connection station – a space station “Junction”.

      Comparison of the worldview of people with different approaches to life was another object of the trilogy. In this respect, much attention is paid to religion, not only to that of Earth, but also to alien one. This is done not with the aim to popularize or criticize this or that religion, but just to compare the worldview of believers and irreligious creatures.”

©Andrei Prudkovskii, 2016

      Characters of the first book of the novel

      (dates are given in relation to the conditional date: uew, aew until and after the end of the world)

      Upyg and Radogast – two alien observers which are bioconstructions created by two competing alien civilizations to observe the Earth civilization. The action of the novel refers to the end of the fifty-thousand-year period when the fate of humanity should be decided in the Galactic Association of Intelligent Civilizations (GAIC). Upyg and Radogast possess superpowers, such as reading thoughts, practical immortality, but they do not have the right to directly intervene in the life of earthlings.

      UYY – very old evil sorcerer from Dhana planet, subsequently is the immortal emperor Ku-U of the country of Khem on the Earth.

      Raa – he was born in the 50th year until the end of the world in a primeval forest on the planet of Dhana. His parents are unknown. He died in the 6th year after the end of the world.

      Siegle – she was also born in the 50th year until the end of the world in the tribe of the Ant Lords on the planet of Dhana, later the wife of Ra, died in the 15th year after the end of the world.

      Raa and Siege children – they was born on the planet Dhana: daughter Raegle (Rose) was born in the 30th year until the end of the world, son Rasieg was born in the 4th year until the end of the world.

      Valentina Semenovna Kotlovanova – she born approximately in the 60th year until the end of the world in Foundation Pit, his parents are unknown.

      Semen Andreevich – he is one of the main secret agents of Upyg, apparently born in the 80th year until the end of the world, died in the 8th year until the end of the world on the same day as Valentina Semenovna Kotlovanova.

      Lyuba – she is a daughter of Valentina Kotlovanova and Semen Andreevich, she was born in the 32nd year until the end of the world in the village No. 573 (Pitvill).

      Twins Aleksandra, Maria – they were born on February 13, 50th year until the end of the world, in the village No. 573 (Pitvill) of Aleksander Serheyevich Ryaboy and his wife Lyubov Dmitrievna Ryabaya.

      Radek (Radem, Ibn-Kalb) – he was born in the 28th year until the end of the world, his father is Ra, his mother is Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Ryabaya.

      Petruha, Peter (Granddad Plop, the great warrior Yek-gush) – he was born around the 40th year until the end of the world in the inner-city slums, his parents are unknown.

      Raegle (Rose) – she was born in the 30th year until the end of the world, died in the 18th year after the end of the world.

      Children of Rose and Peter:

      Polina (the 7th year until the end of the world), Valentina (the 5th year until the end of the world), Raisa (the 3rd year until the end of the world), Daria (the 1st year until the end of the world), Lidia (the 4th year until the end of the world), Maria (the 7th year after the end of the world), Lyuba (the 10th year after the end of the world), Petya (the 15th year after the end of the world).

      Levushka the Little Fox (the 9th year until the end of the world) – deaf-mute, later the Master of the Earth and the Magical Fox.

      Bartolomew (the 3rd year until the end of the world) – he is the son of Lyuba and Radek.

      Padre John – he is an Orthodox churchman. Dates of birth and death, as well as biographical data are unknown.

      Georgiy (3rd year until the end of the world), Nadezhda (10th year after the end of the world) – children of Padre John and Nina (Naily – Ethiopian).

      Aleksandr Zotov – he is an astronaut who was one of the first to visit Dhana.

      Said the fun – he is the Marazian Sheikh, his son is Said junior (Bars) (21st year until the end of the world).

      Timothy (Ahmed) – he is an inventor, a friend of Petruha.

      Della – she is a gypsy, the sister of the mother of the early deceased girl Rose, whose name Raegle used.

      Sara – she is the daughter of earthly immigrants, was born on Dhana in the 1st year after the end of the world, later the wife of Rasieg.

      Introduction from the storyteller

      My friend suggested that I publish my research on the end of the world that happened 50 years ago. I doubt very much that there are still those who wish to delve into the past. Are you interested in these events of ancient times; you, before whom hundreds of inhabited planets, hundreds of civilizations living on them are open…?

      I am