Stolen Voices: A sadistic step-father. Two children violated. Their battle for justice.. Terrie Duckett. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Terrie Duckett
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007532247
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       Title Page



       Chapter 1: ‘Humble Beginnings’

       Chapter 2: ‘In the Picture’

       Chapter 3: ‘Last Laugh’

       Chapter 4: ‘New Beginnings’

       Chapter 5: ‘Family Games’

       Chapter 6: ‘Eye of the Storm’

       Chapter 7: ‘A Dog’s Life’

       Chapter 8: ‘Hidden Hurt’

       Chapter 9: ‘Fighting Back’

       Chapter 10: ‘Tipping Point’

       Chapter 11: ‘Down not out’

       Chapter 12: ‘Into an Abyss’

       Chapter 13: ‘An Eye for an Eye’

       Chapter 14: ‘Holiday Hell’

       Chapter 15: ‘Timed Torment’

       Chapter 16: ‘Fresh Hell’

       Chapter 17: ‘Betrayal’

       Chapter 18: ‘Best-laid Plans’

       Chapter 19: ‘Thwarted’

       Chapter 20: ‘Thumbscrews’

       Chapter 21: ‘Work Life’

       Chapter 22: ‘Triggered’

       Chapter 23: ‘Cycle of Life’

       Chapter 24: ‘Taking the Bullet’

       Chapter 25: ‘Hope’

       Chapter 26: ‘Straightjacket’

       Chapter 27: ‘Gloves Off’

       Chapter 28: ‘Shadow in Sun’

       Chapter 29: ‘The Truth’

       Chapter 30: ‘Police Searches’

       Chapter 31: ‘The Trial’


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       About the Publisher

      We dedicate this book to each other and to every other brother and sister struggling to survive: with strength, humour and love we came through this together. Our bond is unbreakable.


      June 2012

      ‘What’s up?’ I yawned into the phone to my brother Paul. It was almost 1 a.m. and I was feeling bloody tired.

      ‘I’ve just got off the phone to the police,’ Paul blurted out. ‘You know they arrested Peter today and searched the house? Well, you’re just not going to believe this!’ He took a breath. ‘Apparently, it’s been designated a crime scene and they’ve left police outside all night, to make sure no one gets in. There was so much evidence they ran out of time and need to go back and collect the rest. They reckon it’s an “Aladdin’s cave”. Their words, not mine.’ There was a slight pause. ‘I’m gonna drive over. Do you wanna come?’

      I didn’t even have to think twice. ‘Yes! Come and get me. I’ll be waiting outside.’ I hung up, threw on some clothes and ran outside. I stood waiting impatiently by the side of the road, trying to calm my breathing. A few moments later, Paul’s car turned the corner and pulled up next to me. I jumped in and we screeched away.

      ‘Fasten seat belt,’ Paul’s car lectured me repeatedly in a mechanical monotone.

      ‘All right, all right, shut the fuck up,’ I muttered, cutting the car off as I clicked the belt in place. Paul rolled his eyes and drove on.

      We drove silently towards our childhood home, lost in our thoughts. We were both feeling numb, not able to believe they had finally arrested him. We had had a couple of intensely stressful weeks waiting for the police to call, and now here we were driving towards the place we had barely survived as children, not knowing quite what to expect.

      None of the events of the past few weeks had actually sunk in; whether it was the police telling us it was the worst case they