His Defender. Stella Bagwell. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Stella Bagwell
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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      Neal Rankin had warned her to expect a cocky man in his mid-thirties. He hadn’t warned her that the owner/manager of the T Bar K was also devilishly handsome.

      Six feet of hard, lean muscle, eyes as green as a willow tree, hair the color of rich sable and dimples bracketing a perfectly masculine mouth. His looks were the kind most women swooned over. But not Isabella. She knew his kind all too well.

      Yet once Ross Ketchum was standing directly in front of her, she was struck by the full potency of his presence. She’d never seen any male as masculine as this one.

      “Isabella Corrales,” he mused softly. “A beautiful name for a beautiful lady.”

      “I’m not here for decoration, Mr. Ketchum. I’m here to help you.”

      Dear Reader,

      It’s that time of year again…for decking the halls, trimming the tree…and sitting by the crackling fire with a good book. And we at Silhouette have just the one to start you off—Joan Elliott Pickart’s The Marrying MacAllister, the next offering in her series, THE BABY BET: MACALLISTER’S GIFTS. When a prospective single mother out to adopt one baby finds herself unable to choose between two orphaned sisters, she is distressed, until the perfect solution appears: marry handsome fellow traveler and renowned single guy Matt MacAllister! Your heart will melt along with his resolve.

      MONTANA MAVERICKS: THE KINGSLEYS concludes with Sweet Talk by Jackie Merritt. When the beloved town veterinarian—and trauma survivor—is captivated by the town’s fire chief, she tries to suppress her feelings. But the rugged hero is determined to make her his. Reader favorite Annette Broadrick continues her SECRET SISTERS series with Too Tough To Tame. A woman out to avenge the harm done to her family paints a portrait of her nemesis—which only serves to bring the two of them together. In His Defender, Stella Bagwell offers another MEN OF THE WEST book, in which a lawyer hired to defend a ranch owner winds up under his roof…and falling for her newest client! In Make-Believe Mistletoe by Gina Wilkins, a single female professor who has wished for an eligible bachelor for Christmas hardly thinks the grumpy but handsome man who’s reluctantly offered her shelter from a storm is the answer to her prayers—at least not at first. And speaking of Christmas wishes—five-year-old twin boys have made theirs—and it all revolves around a new daddy. The candidate they have in mind? The handsome town sheriff, in Daddy Patrol by Sharon DeVita.

      As you can see, no matter what romantic read you have in mind this holiday season, we have the book for you. Happy holidays, happy reading—and come back next month, for six new wonderful offerings from Silhouette Special Edition!


      Gail Chasan

      Senior Editor

      His Defender

      Stella Bagwell


      With love to Dr. Z.

      Thank you for your care and kindness.


      sold her first book in Silhouette in November 1985. More than forty novels later, she still loves her job and says she isn’t completely content unless she’s writing. Recently, she and her husband of thirty years moved from the hills of Oklahoma to Seadrift, Texas, a sleepy little fishing town located on the coastal bend. Stella says the water, the tropical climate and the seabirds make it a lovely place to let her imagination soar and to put the stories in her head down on paper.

      She and her husband have one son, Jason, who lives in nearby Port Lavaca, where he teaches high school math.


      Chapter One

      Chapter Two

      Chapter Three

      Chapter Four

      Chapter Five

      Chapter Six

      Chapter Seven

      Chapter Eight

      Chapter Nine

      Chapter Ten

      Chapter Eleven

      Chapter Twelve

      Chapter Thirteen

      Chapter One

      “I’ve never tried to kill anybody! Whoever says different is a damn liar!”

      Ross Ketchum stopped pacing around the study of the T Bar K ranch house long enough to glare at his sister and her new husband.

      “What about that time the city cops hauled you in for choking Lance Martin?” Victoria asked.

      Ross threw back his head and laughed. “That was just a little high school prom fight, and Lance needed taking down a notch or two.”

      Victoria shared a wry look with her husband, Jess, who was sitting beside her on a long, leather couch.

      “Okay,” Victoria conceded, “so it was just a little squabble between two roosters. But other people around here remember the incident. And if this thing goes to trial—”

      “It isn’t going to go to trial, Sis,” Ross said with confidence. “Not with me as the defendant.”

      With a helpless groan, Victoria turned to her husband. “I give up. It’s your turn to try and convince him how serious this thing is.”

      Jess Hastings was not only Victoria’s new husband, he was also the under-sheriff of San Juan County. And, more ironically, he was the person Ross had supposedly tried to kill.

      Three weeks ago, right here on T Bar K land, someone had shot Jess in the shoulder. If the bullet had struck three inches lower, his brother-in-law would be dead now.

      “Victoria is right, Ross,” Jess spoke up. “The D.A. is making noises about pressing charges.”

      His jaw tight, Ross pulled the black cowboy hat from his head and tossed it at a rail of pegs hanging on a nearby wall. The hat hit one of the pegs, dangled wildly, then settled into place. Like his life, he thought wryly. Sometimes it seemed he was only hanging on by his fingertips, but after everything was washed and dried he was usually standing firmly on his feet. He had to believe things would turn out for the best this time, too.

      “Well, obviously I’ve been framed,” he said. “And that means we’re all going to have to be careful around here.”

      Jess nodded in total agreement. “The way I see it, none of us can be too careful.”

      Ross turned a concerned eye on his sister. “You couldn’t have married Jess and moved to the Hastings ranch at a better time. I’m glad you’re not staying here now.”

      Once Jess had been released from the hospital, Victoria had been so eager to marry him, she’d forgone a big, splashy wedding for a simple ceremony in the judge’s chambers. Ross didn’t understand such love and devotion. At least, he’d never felt it for any woman. But he was glad his sister was happy at last. Her marriage was the only joyful thing that had happened around the T Bar K in years.

      “I’ll still be in and out,” Victoria assured him, then, with a grateful glance at her husband, added, “but Jess will be with me. In the meantime, Neal Rankin is expecting you in his office tomorrow morning at nine.”

      Neal Rankin was the attorney the Ketchums used for all the legal business concerning the T Bar K. Along with being their attorney, he’d been a good friend to Ross and Victoria ever since their childhood days.
