Blood Brothers. Josephine Cox. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Josephine Cox
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Зарубежные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007353231
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wry little smile. ‘I’ve always known I was the unwelcome child. The accident that should never have happened.’

      Regret tinged her voice. ‘I’ve always tried too hard to please her, to make her love me, like she loves Pauline.’ Her voice broke. ‘I wish I could handle Mother like Pauline does, but then, I don’t enjoy arguing. Pauline seems to thrive on it, which is not surprising, seeing as Pauline is Mother in the making.’

      Silent for a time, she drew pleasure from watching this wild creature; encaged much like she had been all her life. ‘Are you frustrated…locked up in that cage?’ she whispered. ‘I expect you want to spread your wings and fly away.’ Her love of animals embraced all creatures, which was why she found working at the vets to be especially rewarding.

      Curious, the bird cocked its head from side to side, as though taking in her every word.

      ‘You’re the lucky one,’ Alice told him. ‘When Joe lets you out of here, you can soar up to the Heavens, free as the air that carries you.’ She continued to stroke his neck and face tenderly.

      ‘We’re a lonely pair you and me, aren’t we, eh?’ she remarked. ‘You and me in the dead of night, all alone in this dark old barn.’ She gave a laugh. ‘I hope you realise I should not be out here, cavorting with a strange male,’ she tutted. ‘I’ll have you know, I’m getting married on Saturday.’

      There followed a long silence, and Alice contemplated the future. When she spoke again, it was to voice a sneaking doubt. ‘I hope I’m doing the right thing,’ she confessed in a whisper. ‘I thought I loved Frank, but now I’m not so sure. I’m not even sure if I really know him at all.’

      She leaned back into the hay. ‘What am I saying? Of course I love him. I wouldn’t be with him now if I didn’t love him!’

      The enormity of what she had said was shocking to her. ‘No! Frank means the world to me. I can’t wait for Saturday to come.’

      She remained there, slumped into the hay, eyes closed and head bowed, and her heart sore. Was she fooling herself? Was she marrying Frank just so she had someone to love her? Or was she doing it to get back at her mother for rejecting her? No! She would never do that. She did love Frank! She really did love him!

      The sound of her quiet sobs echoed across the barn.

      Just a few strides away, Joe was torn by emotions. He had heard everything. He felt her pain. He needed to hold and comfort her. He wondered if he should make his presence known, or leave quietly.

      Hesitant, he took a step forward, making as much noise as possible, deliberately allowing Alice time in which to compose herself.

      Startled, Alice looked up, anxious to see who had discovered her there. Fearful that they may have overheard, she quickly sat up, waiting to see who it was out there, in the half-light.

      On realising it was Joe who had found her, she was immensely thankful, feeling instinctively that any snippet he may have overheard would go no further; though of course she hoped he had heard nothing at all.

      ‘I’m sorry, Alice,’ Joe explained with a lop-sided grin, ‘I didn’t realise it was you! I thought I might find a pack of thieves, looking to steal goods or livestock. I happened to catch a glimpse of light from the tilly lamp, so I thought I’d best come down and investigate.’

      Carefully, he laid the gun on the ground and sat beside her. ‘So, what are you doing out here, in the early hours of the morning? Come to check on our little friend, have you?’

      Alice merely nodded; while discreetly wiping away the tears.

      Joe felt his heart melt. ‘Did I frighten you?’

      ‘No.’ Fearful he would know she’d been crying, Alice kept her gaze averted.

      ‘Is there something wrong, Alice?’


      ‘Do you want me to go away, leave you alone?’

      Panic-stricken and in need of a friend, she grabbed hold of his coat. ‘No! I would like you to stay. Please, Joe? Stay with me, just a while longer?’

      Joe sat beside her. ‘Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong?’ he enquired gently.

      ‘There’s nothing wrong.’ She gave him her brightest smile. ‘Why would you ask that?’

      Joe paused a moment, unsure of himself, and yet not wanting to deceive her. ‘I have a confession to make,’ he said in a low, sorry voice.

      Instinctively wary, Alice asked him, ‘What do you mean a confession? What kind of confession?’ Something about Joe’s expression worried her.

      Joe chose his words carefully. ‘Just now as I came in, I thought I heard you crying.’

      ‘Oh?’ Smiling, she put on a brave face. ‘So you thought I was crying, did you?’

      Joe looked her in the eye. ‘You were crying.’ He gave a reassuring smile. ‘I think I might know when a girl is crying, but don’t worry. I promise, your secret is safe with me.’

      ‘I’m sorry, Joe. You’re right, I was crying, but it was nothing, really. Just pre-wedding nerves. I expect every bride gets them.’

      Joe was careful not to reveal how he knew of her doubts concerning Frank. Instead he reached out, and placing his hand beneath her chin, he lifted her face to look at him. ‘Frank upset you tonight, didn’t he?’

      Alice drew away, ‘Yes…I suppose.’

      ‘He didn’t mean to,’ Joe assured her. ‘Sometimes he lets his tongue run away with him; speak first, think later, that’s Frank I’m afraid.’ He laughed. ‘You were more than a match for him though,’ he said proudly. ‘You let him know you were not a woman to be messed with.’

      Thinking of her mother, Alice laughed at that. ‘Did I really come across as a woman not to be messed with?’

      ‘Oh yes!’ Joe was adamant. ‘You even made me nervous!’ he said jokingly.

      Alice laughed at that, and then she was smiling, shaking her head in disbelief. ‘Good Lord! I’d best be careful, or I might turn into Mother!’

      Joe was curious. ‘Would that be so bad?’

      Alice laughed, ‘If you knew my mother, you wouldn’t even ask that,’ she promised with a hearty chuckle. ‘Trust me, it would be the end of life as we know it!’

      Joe laughed out loud, ‘I can’t wait to meet her.’

      ‘She’ll be there on Saturday,’ Alice promised light-heartedly. ‘She’ll be the one with the biggest hat and the sergeant-major voice. The slimmer version beside her, will be my older sister Pauline.’

      Joe was intrigued. How could such a dainty, lovely creature like Alice have a mother of that description? ‘So, how does Frank get on with your family?’

      Alice shrugged. ‘He’s only really met them twice. The first time, so my father could inspect him, and then again when he was invited to have tea. Of course, he’s seen them when he’s been collecting me, but Father works long hours in his study and Mother is never that sociable. A wave of her hand and she’s away.’

      ‘I see.’ Joe couldn’t help but wonder how Frank would fit into such a formal family as this.

      Alice went on, ‘I think Frank was quite impressed with Mother. She made sure he had everything he wanted; an extra slice of cake, or another pot of tea, and even a glass of wine to end the evening. Father talked a lot about business, and Frank seemed comfortable with that. In fact, he came away quite pleased with himself.’

      ‘I’m not surprised,’ Joe remarked. ‘As you witnessed for yourself this evening, Frank is ambitious. It’s in his nature to aspire to greater things.’

      Joe could easily imagine how