Leader. 3 part. Maikl Sosnin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Maikl Sosnin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785448359767
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      3 part

      Maikl Sosnin

      © Maikl Sosnin, 2016

      ISBN 978-5-4483-5976-7

      Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero


      To all people who stand on my way against me making me stronger…


      In line with modern process of globalization – all translations of the Leader are made in Google translation.

      Original version – Russian.

      Idea of this – to show that every man can communicate with others.

      You can not speak all languages.

      But you must know how to use modern world.

      You must read it before

      Any information of this book regarding any real people or places in not true, if you think it’s true, you are not correct.

      You must understand why is it like this.

      If you do not understand it now, just read the book and you will understand.

      Any claim will not accepted.

      There is no liability.

      If you will try something from this book then you have full liability for your actions.

      There is no guaranties.

      If you reach a level of leadership using this book I will be happy.

      If you reach nothing I will be happy.

      It is just my ego.

      Nothing in private…

      8. You have to be honest

      – Yeah, honest))) You especially have an honest Sergey!!! Half the world does not fuck you happen???

      – I was honest with myself…


      While I wanted to learn more of their secrets to getting more.

      One question I still hurts.

      It would be a matter of indifference to me as possession of money, power, knowledge, if I did not have them?

      You know what I mean?

      It’s very easy to say that to me they say money is not important.

      But the number type is important.

      I heard a few more types of smart remarks to that effect.

      But is it really?

      Let us leave this question.

      What concerns the authorities question similar.

      Caught somewhere high above the people you can certainly say that I do not care.

      Incidentally power – is difficult.

      Exercise power over people is difficult.

      Having money is difficult.

      This was around the need to learn.

      In Russia, I know of people who wanted to become rich but when I asked them why they were suddenly very embittered.

      In general, if you feel aggression from another person then this means you’re all right.

      Strong nobody liked and did not like.

      I do not understand too.

      I think I know the type of people will love.

      I’m good like that.

      I live in a mansion, a dozen cars and so on.

      And why would you love it?

      I live in the village and from eating only potatoes.

      And if it will rot you will have to give his neighbor’s wife or daughter to use.


      But not for the Russian villages when winter comes.

      Well, if the money is the principle according to which a man should not be money, and all the money from his wife.

      That the question of power is not so simple.

      You can of course always put on the direction of the road managers.

      But the vision is all the same you.

      Global goals you should also put.

      If your country is because of you in the ass…

      Managers – governors say – have to know where to go.

      It is understood not all.

      Ie you want power and you know what it is?

      You learned this?.

      In Soviet Russia was the place where supposedly taught to manage.

      The national economy – a type of civilian managers.

      State on the part of the civil service.

      Other semi institutions.

      I’ve been trying to find out if anyone learned some say in England?

      Or managers were brought from Europe?

      Management is not the theme of this book.

      There is such a thing as a private management – manage their own lives.

      People are willing to deal with all the time in public but things are not ready to deal with them.

      And for good reason.

      This book is about you.

      The leader – it’s about you.

      About your goals.

      For their evaluation.

      For their achievement.

      It’s hard to believe but until recently did not exist in people’s minds is no such thing as the achievement of personal goals.

      Public is yes.

      It is good, very correct and commendable, and so on.

      Open any Dictionary definition of the word, and honor the leader.

      I’m almost every lecture I start with this example.

      We just open the dictionary and read.

      They are all there is now on the network so that it became easy.

      There’s a wildness…

      You would be a laugh definition housewives say regarding fishing?

      And that is why people do not laugh at those definitions are given by people far removed from what they are trying to determine?

      And how do they print?

      The leader and leadership at all – it is about how a man to come to his end.

      And what is its purpose?

      You will feel it.

      You can control others.
