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To Tempt a Wilde - Kimberly Terry Kaye

Автор: Kimberly Terry Kaye
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408905746

After two years on the run, Althea Hudson may have finally found her safe haven.Who'd have thought it would be in Wyoming, at a sprawling ranch owned by three rugged alpha males? But it's strapping Nathan Wilde who's making her heart beat faster. . . even if the sensual cowboy has made it clear he's not in the market for romance. Althea's genteel manner and sweet charm don't fool Nathan for a minute.Stung by his ex-fiancée's betrayal, the relationship-wary rancher isn't prepared for the overwhelming desire his newest hired hand arouses. But the stunning belle is hiding something. . . and she may be too proud to ask for his help. If Althea only trusted Nathan with her secret, could they transform the heartbreak of the past into a passionate love for the future?