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Sought through Prayer and Meditation - John T. Farrell

Автор: John T. Farrell
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781937612344

Many people who enter recovery do not understand or are skeptical of the spiritual elements embodied in the Twelve Steps. This book helps demystify and simplify spiritual practices so the reader can enrich his or her own spiritual journey.Clarifies the differences between religion and spirituality.Author is ordained in the Episcopal Church of the United States and is a trained labyrinth walk facilitator. He has been in recovery for almost 40 years.The Reverend Farrell has served as a Professional-in-Residence at the Betty Ford Center.Perfect for those whose spiritual practice feels stale or unproductive.Provides a spiritual «booster shot» for readers in any stage of recovery.