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Developing Effective Learners - Toby J. Karten

Автор: Toby J. Karten
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781943874668

Proactively address your students’ diverse needs, using multitiered systems of support (MTSS) and response to intervention (RTI). Developing Effective Learners details how to respond to students’ academic, emotional, and behavioral challenges; embrace learning differences; and create inclusive classroom environments. Readers will learn how to use tiered RTI instructional strategies to support continuous improvement. This book also offers tiered lessons, practical resources, instructional and staff scenarios, student vignettes, and responsive evidence-based interventions, all designed to help simplify the intervention process. Develop an RTI Model Benefits Discover the best research-based instructional strategies and review the supporting evidence. Better understand RTI education and how differentiated instruction can improve students’ literacy and math skills. Learn how to plan multitiered grade-level instruction across disciplines. Receive guidance on how to implement tiered intervention to meet students’ learning needs. Find out how to create a supportive classroom culture that helps close achievement gaps and drives academic success.