On the Doors - Working as Britain's Hardest Bouncer, I Was Hit, Stabbed and Faced Guns - But I've Never Been Beaten. Stellakis Stylianou. Скачать в формате fb2, epub, doc, txt. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

On the Doors - Working as Britain's Hardest Bouncer, I Was Hit, Stabbed and Faced Guns - But I've Never Been Beaten - Stellakis Stylianou

Автор: Stellakis Stylianou
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781857829938

This is the amazing, terrifying, muscle-packed story of the most feared and respected bouncer in the country. When Stellakis Stylianou, known to his friends – and his enemies – as Stilks, was a kid growing up in London he was so poor that he had to go out hunting pigeons for his family's supper. It was the memory of those lean days that made him vow that his own family would never be hungry again. And so he forged a life for himself doing what he knew best – using his muscle and his unstoppable force to keep law and order on the streets, in a way that no uniformed copper could ever do…Now he has risen to become the most famous club doorman in the world. Woe betide anyone who mistakes his firm politeness for weakness.