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North Korea - Lightning Guides

Автор: Lightning Guides
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781942411659

North Korea: Unmasking Three Generations of Mad Men explores the mysterious legacy of the Kim family. From the annexation of Korea by Japan to the painful separation of North and South Korea following WWII, to the cult of personality created by Kim Il-Sung, North Korea will examine the context that created one of the most mysterious, fascinating, and frightening dictatorships in modern history. Kim Jong-Il's total control over the state-run media, the militarization of North Korean society, the surveillance and biodiversity of the DMZ, and the human rights record of Kim Jong-Un will contrast the vibrancy of South Korea and the tales of defectors who have been able to flee.