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Ninja - Blago Kirof

Автор: Blago Kirof
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Прочая образовательная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456616618

&quot;… They come like Wind, they go like Lightning&quot;. <br>(Sun Tzu, &quot;The Art of War&quot;)<br><br>In medieval Japan there were a few dozen families of Iga and Koga provinces specializing in Ninjutsu. Most of them belonged to the category of &quot;goshi&quot; – inferior level of the samurai class with its own hereditary estates. In Koga goshi clans were 53. In Iga dominated three Ninja clans – Hattori, Momoti and Fudzhibayashi.<br><br>They were not only cold-blooded assassins and spies as well as trying to present them some authors. Not accidental their art was preserved more than 1,300 years. <br><br>The key to this art is their device: &quot;Patience above all else&quot;.<br><br>This visual history of the ninja introduces us to their ideology, lifestyle, training and weapons. It is interesting for both children and adults.