Bringing Back the Gospel. Ron J.D. Hutchcraft. Скачать в формате fb2, epub, doc, txt. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Bringing Back the Gospel - Ron J.D. Hutchcraft

Автор: Ron J.D. Hutchcraft
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781935177081

We hear the word &quot;Gospel&quot; all the time – Gospel music, Gospel missions, Prosperity Gospel, and more. But for all our familiarity with the &quot;Gospel,&quot; it&#39;s surprising how much confusion there is about what that message really is. And because eternities depend on it, it&#39;s desperately important that we get it right.<br><br>In his new e-book, Bringing Back the Gospel: Uncut, Unencumbered, Uncompromised!, Ron Hutchcraft answers the following questions: What is the Gospel? Why is it so important to get &quot;The Gospel&quot; right? What are the ways we add to, subtract, miss, or distort the Gospel? Why is this message so significant for every believer? &quot;We have in this Gospel from God the information on which eternities depend. We cannot and must not fail to deliver it. Uncut, Unencumbered, Uncompromised.&quot;