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Mischief 24/7 - Kasey Michaels

Автор: Kasey Michaels
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408935736

Jade Sunshine isn't one to back down from a challenge.That feisty spirit is what made billionaire business-whiz Courtland Becket fall in love with the sexy detective. It's also what led to their divorce. Now, with the murder of Jade's father, the exes are working together to catch a killer, though the chemistry still crackling between them makes it almost impossible to focus.Jade is still as fearless as ever, and Court will move heaven and earth to protect her. And he just may have to. A lot can happen in twenty-four hours. They could be swept away on a wave of rekindled passion. Or end up the next check mark on a desperate killer's «to do» list.